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Sister to Sister

I was weary.

I prayed, “Lord, I am so empty. I don’t even remember what to do to help myself.”

Two hours later a text came out of the blue…

“Hello, sister! I just heard about a new airline that is going to service Pasco Washington. Is that near you?”

Hope that could hug me and fill my heart was on her way.

I collected her from the Pasco airport, which was super simple. We had to stop to take a picture at this store, because it says it all! Also, I love this store and I don’t get out much.

This is her mother and I back in my topless, bonnet days.

We were family. Our mothers were best friends in a time and place in So. California where one did not have family near by. Her family moved closer to our family when her daddy died leaving her mom with 4 kids and our families became closer. My dad was her surrogate father and her mother was there for us in special ways. She used to tell people that she changed my diapers, but I cautioned her to drop that tale as some folks may think it was recently.

Love, laughter, acceptance and truth showed up. It was just what I needed, life can be hard. We did our best to wear her out with the farm and adventures.

She fell in love with our alpacas.

She went along to pick up Carlos, Santana and Smooth….laughing often at their antics as she learned about alpacas. She helped protect Stuart the chicken, who was being picked on by RuPaul. (RuPaul met an unfortunate end as he violated one important rule, if you’re not necessary you’d better be nice.)

The irony of Stuart seeking her protection on top of the BBQ wasn’t lost on any of us.

The spring rodeo of Bareback and Bronc-riding gives us a night out, in celebration of being together and the ending of lock downs a night of ‘normal’ felt so good!

We fit in plenty of country fun. The Fire Captain shows up to give us a ride in his army jeep exactly as old as her.

We had the 2021 Croquet Open to get the season underway. She finds our friends delightful and even finds a goofy match in Sweet Sue wearing their straw hats in a unique way to battle the blowing winds.

We talked and talked and talked about…our parents, our past, our children, our joys, our sorrows and our faith.

We laughed, we cried and I was filled…

and together we were blessed.

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Wendy Haberman June 2, 2021, 5:31 pm

    What a fun weekend! So very glad that God sent Lynn to you at the perfect time and that you were filled again. Take good care sweet friend. Love and blessings to you. Wendy

    • Ellen June 3, 2021, 9:22 pm

      Thank you, so much. I miss you and hope we can get together soon.

  • Peggy O'Leary June 1, 2021, 12:12 pm

    God smiles and so do I whenever I see a new post, complete with pictures, about your creative farm adventures. Oh my gosh, a rodeo, a ride in an old army jeep driven by the fire chief. conversations with animals AND a couple of croquet games. Most of all, sister time together!
    “THE” husband and our friend Gretchen are all dreaming of our July visit.
    Love and hugs from Southern California, Peggy

    • Ellen June 3, 2021, 9:23 pm

      We look forward to your being here, very much!

  • Lynn Cutter May 25, 2021, 7:35 am

    Everything you have stated is precise and true. It is wonderful to be used by God to lift another’s spirits and encourage the soul. I am filled with memories of our adventures. I appreciate that I was not catered to but settled in as part of the family. You are a treasure! The time with you was such a blessing and time of refreshing! I love you sweet sister! ❤️🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘

    • Ellen May 25, 2021, 4:18 pm

      Love you back, dear sister of mine.

  • Diane Brown May 25, 2021, 6:53 am

    What a wonderful God we have that blesses us with people, animals, hugs, community, laughter, tears and answers to prayer! I am blessed by your blogs!

    • Ellen May 25, 2021, 4:18 pm

      Thank you, my sweet faithful friend.

  • Terri Reed May 25, 2021, 5:05 am

    Reliving the good ole pre-COVID days with a special friend! Bliss!

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