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Plenty of Cooks in the Kitchen

We’ve had an unusual number of cooks in the kitchen this week…followed as always by the clean up crew…Number Two Son and Zoe the black lab.  The weather turned cold, very cold with a blasting, bellowing wind.  Warm comfort food was high on the list, especially if it meant not going to the store for anything, so my friend’s new food blog, Mama’s Got It Made, came in very handy!  (She is a great cook, practical and witty…I’ve added a permanent link to blogs I read in case you’re interested.)  I whipped up a skillet-full of ‘Jacked Up Cornbread’ for diner the other night.  There no fancy pictures as this is not a foodie blog and because Number Two cleaned up all the left overs for lunch.

My Girl has gone Vegan.  If you know her, this is not really a big surprise.  It does mean that a lot of new weird food has shown up in the refrigerator and some of our staples (ice cream) last a lot longer than they used to.  Armed with a new vegan cookbook and courage, My Girl cooked dinner for us and a friend.  It took her three stores to get all the ingredients, only to find out we did have a lot of the items already here at home…but heck, it was a learning curve.  She tackled making us a seintin casserole that turned into soup, but My Loving Spouse had seconds and Zoe made sure all the bowls were licked clean.  Well done sweetie!

The church bazaar is this Saturday, so My Loving Spouse has once again been signed up to make Cornish pasties for the baked good sale. In our short time here, these have already become legend.  cookingpc4One of these is not like the other….  Prior to packaging My Loving Spouse had them covered on a plate.  The problem is that covered food on a plate is also how we often leave diner for Number Two Son when his rehearsal’s go late.  I understand the pasty was quite good and we’re thinking of adding some dialogue to the packaging now that says…”Kid tested and approved”.

My Loving Spouse the Chef also made a batch of hand raised pork pies….see there are his hands…raising them.cookingpc2These were also baked up adding all sorts of delicious smells to the kitchen…cookingpc3These too will go the church bazaar bake sale.  The pork pie count remained consistent during the night as this time there were clear and concise instructions.cookingpc1

{ 7 comments… add one }
  • John November 14, 2014, 4:23 pm

    Looks like it’s time to go to the bake sale. Too bad it’s so far away 🙁

    • Ellen November 14, 2014, 4:31 pm

      Dear John, I feel like someone who transfers gold. As soon as I walk in with them, they are usually gone!

  • Miriam November 14, 2014, 10:34 am

    Those look so delicious! I’ve never had pasties or pork pies. Guess I’ll have to come up to taste test them!

    • Ellen November 14, 2014, 2:27 pm

      Now there is a good idea!

  • Shelba Jensen November 14, 2014, 10:21 am

    Cornish Pies sound delicious! As do the pork pies! You should share the recipes.

  • ChristaP November 14, 2014, 9:13 am

    Thank you for the promo friend! I very much appreciate your inspiration and support! I will be posting some vegan recipes in the near future! However, I would be sinking my big teeth into one of those pork pies if I were closer!!! xoxox

    • Ellen November 14, 2014, 2:28 pm

      My pleasure!!
      …and the pork pies…yum.

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