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Perspective is everything!  I was emptying my junk email folder and before I do so, I usually peruse it quickly to make sure that it really is all junk.  I caught sight of an email that could be of great help here.  Mole removal!  Wow, I thought, I’m so glad someone knows how to get rid of the little varmints.

My elation was short-lived as I realized it wasn’t mole removal..


It was mole (mole, skin tags and freckles) removal… darn!


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  • Diane W. Schroeder December 10, 2012, 10:15 pm

    Oh Ellen I can feel for you. when Walt’s Dad built the house on the McLean Rd he wanted a nice green lawn. He got this by cleaning the dirt out of the ditches, which came with a lot of worms. Hence came the moles. He tried every thing but the hugh traps he had did the best. He also was good with a gun like you have. But after the rat incident they wouldn’t let me near the moles. Walt showed me how to put them in, but after he died I found my little hands would not open them and was afraid the traps would break my arms. We tried smoke, gasoline. fuzees (these were used by patrolmen when their was an accident). sounded easy but I wasn’t going to light one. So here I was mowing the lawn at night, in the dark with a flash light and running over mole holes. I couldn’t do it in the day time because I was working at 12 hour days and was exhausted. I prayed and prayed about the situation I was in. Finally one day decided to drown them. It was amazing where all the water showed up. Never did catch one Good luck

  • Sue and Gary December 10, 2012, 4:53 pm

    I was excited when I read that you found something about mole removal, but disappointed that it was for the other type of mole! We’ve set up mole traps for years. But they only work if they are set up ‘just right’, and usually it takes many, many tries to get them set up ‘just right’. But a friend of Gary’s recently told him of something that works! He had tried poison, whirlygigs, and gasoline. And all he managed to do was blow up part of his yard! But his neighbor showed him this trick that did work: Choose 2 fresh mole hills that are about 6-10 feet apart, and dig 2 foot diameter holes around these 2 hills. Clear out all the dirt and expose the tunnel openings. Then, stand there with a shotgun, waiting for the moles to come. Watch for them to push the dirt to plug up the tunnel holes. Then shoot them! (They are drawn to the area because of the air, and they know something is open, and they try to close it.) And it worked! They only waited about 10 minutes, and the moles came. His neighbor cleared out his whole property doing this. Happy hunting! Sue

    • Ellen December 10, 2012, 5:07 pm

      I’d like to say we wouldn’t, but we will!

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