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If I…

If I had more say, (ruled the world), I would make a few changes.

Yeah, yeah world peace, no more suffering etc…I think that will be called ‘heaven’.

Here is my short list of ruler type stuff I’d change.

  1. Cows would come when they are called.  Not like Tuesday, when I was on my way to work and had to send this text.Luckily, it was only Hal and I had already called for back up (my neighbor Buffalo Jim).  He was on his way, so I trapped Hal with my fancy ‘farm vehicle’.Before you knew it, I was at school.

2.  Pants would cover all the butt of the wearer.

3.  Politicians would be paid after each year in office on a sliding scale and by the vote of the people who elected them.

4.  Cats would not leave dead stuff on the door mat.

5.  School administrators would not be allowed to give themselves raises and give the front line (bus drivers, cafeteria workers, teacher aides and secretaries) nothing.

6.  Chocolate would be a vegetable.

7.  Older hairy men would not wear ‘tank tops’ in public.

8.  Cars would automatically drive the speed limit.

9.  Good wine would not be expensive.

10.  All who are lost would find their way home.

(Speaking of which, Dick the pig did not return, so we were able to buy the runt to keep Jane content.  We’ve named him Bill.  Bill and Jane seem a happy match.)

…and so…what would you change, if you ruled the world?

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Diane September 27, 2018, 11:33 am

    I agree with all of your list…#2 made me laugh and I am wholeheartedly for it! I would add…it would be as easy to lose weight as it is to gain it AND all grand babies would live within walking distance of their grandparents!

    • Ellen September 27, 2018, 3:01 pm

      Oh, Amen!!!!

  • Mims Ellis September 26, 2018, 10:21 pm

    1. I’d make ice cream the 5th food group.
    2. Politicians would have to live on a teacher’s salary. And no extra goodies like govt. cars and first class flights. Coach all the way. And if they can’t learn to work together for the good of the country, they trade places with the teachers and try to wrangle a class of 35 kids every day. Let the teachers run the country for a while. Bet more would get done!
    3. People would be just as involved and excited about voting in local and national elections as football, soccer, hockey and baseball fans are for each game.
    4. Postings and sharings on social media would not get posted unless they’ve been fact checked by a non-partisan source. “Just the facts, ma’am.”
    5. We’d all spend much less time with our faces stuck to our screens and more time with face-to-face conversations with actual people.
    6. We’d learn to have serious discourse with others who we do not agree with, with out resorting to name calling. We’d learn to intelligently argue a point, and not take it personally when we are disagreed with. But actually learn to listen to the other person’s viewpoint.
    7. Everyone would have adequate housing and food and medical security. For both physical and mental illnesses.
    8. We’d keep our planet habitable.
    9. We wouldn’t need to remember 500 different passwords because no one would think of stealing identities, etc.
    10. We could transport ourselves from location to location with our thoughts. No need for cars! or freeways!

    • Ellen September 27, 2018, 6:33 am

      I love your list! Thanks Mims, what a nice world it would be….

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