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Good Bye Tree

Truthfully, we didn’t like it from the first time we saw it.  This tree blocked both our view and light coming into the house.  Two trees planted many, many years ago, but as the famous gardening book’s title ‘Right Plant, Right Place’ this tree ceased to be right for either one.  The second tree was filled with dead wood and in dire need of a clean up.  As I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time on the couch this summer, that tree just about drove me crazy(er).  I must have mentioned daily how I couldn’t wait to get it cleaned up.

Enter Young Bucks tree removal….good bye tree.

They started with a tree in the dog yard, that will end up too close to the house when we remodel the kitchen and add a mud room.  The wind was blowing hard, so they could not put it down toward the field.  They managed to put the tree down right through the small open gate!  It was truly impressive.

One down…

All the excitement stopped as their 150 foot lift wouldn’t work.  We had to look at that darn tree for one more day.  They were back the next day with their bucket truck.  The truck can only go up 75 feet, so bringing the tree down between the fence, the power lines and the house was no easy task.I had a little bit of ‘bucket truck envy’ as I thought of all the jobs I could get done, if I had a tool like that!

They went as high as they could, then tied the tree in two places and sawed in between.  It was something to watch and listen too!  Only two fence rails were taken out in the process.Young Bucks worked all day.  If you need any tree work down, we highly recommend them.Sawing and cleaning and moving large rounds.They cleaned all the dead wood out of the remaining tree and trimmed it away from the house.

It remains for the birds, the bees and the kids.

Our new view from the family room.

The view of our home from the road…

Our home is lighter, brighter and prettier…and yes, we are blessed.

PS: We also have a high-powered log splitter and a bit of work to do.

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Diane Brown August 27, 2018, 9:54 am

    So satisfying to get big projects done!

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