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Field Fencing, Spring and THE Green Light

Cows are tough on fences. Barbed wire is tough on us. Cows are strong. They stick their heads in between the wires (trust me their hide is tough) and reach to nibble any available blade of grass, bending fence posts and snapping fence clips. Keeping fences upright is a challenge. In an effort to reduce the maintenance on fences, we’ve moved to ‘field fencing’.

Big barb-less grid fencing that is heavy and expensive. However, since cows cannot stick their heads through the grid, the posts do not get bent over and we’re hopping to have better fencing with less maintenance…..once it is up.

We start with a small stretch on a cold spring morning. My Loving Spouse needs to work down low and says something like. “I can’t work with these bloody gloves on!” So off they come.

He’s not too keen about having to lie down on the cold damp ground, so I do not mention that he is also rolling in….

Cow poop. Well, we are putting up field fencing in a field for cows….so watch where you step or lie down.

We have a fairly straight run of fence posts, that we actually got in back in October. I kept laughing to myself, as we had friends visiting at the time, one who is 6 years younger than I and he kept saying, “This is a young man’s job”. Well, that may be true, perhaps we’re in our second childhood….then again…perhaps we’re just stubborn.

Either way…nice field fence.

Spring is always a treat! Delightful to work outside with grass so very green.

Our clouds return and everyone is pecking away…..

We rush off to Yakima to figure out a new sprinkler system. We’re sort of burning the candle at both ends, hopeful to get a new sprinkler system in soon, very soon, as in next weekend, as we will have both THE Bride (Sweet J) and THE Groom (Number 4 Son) here to work for the day BTW.

We are trying to stay calm and get as much done as we can, because any day now, in fact…..it came!

In case you cannot read the small print….all we have to do is pay more $$$ and we’ve got our permit. Goodbye shack in the back...hello remodel!

We are grateful and blessed…and a teeny tiny bit anxious.

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Diane Brown April 9, 2019, 7:45 pm

    Congratulations on the permit! How exciting to move forward on the remodel! Will pray for the teeny tiny bit of anxiety! (Love the beautiful blue sky photos).

    • Ellen April 9, 2019, 8:49 pm

      Thanks friend, trying not to give way to the anxiety!

  • Rob ( One of the Seattle Cousins) April 8, 2019, 4:38 pm

    Hi Waltons,
    So glad you finally got “The Green Light” from the County Building Dept. We have had several trips lately (we’re actually out of town right now) we just need to coordinate our trips with the Grandsons vacations. As for myself, I’m ready to come over and pull/pound some nails! Will be waiting for more of your scheduling news and Yes, that’s one good looking fence line.
    Rob & Candy

    • Ellen April 8, 2019, 6:14 pm

      Thank you so much! Enjoy your time away! We look forward to your help, when ever you’re free to give it. Remember we do still have bedrooms, so there is always a place to sleep…the kitchen on the other hand…who knows! Let us know when you can come!

  • Miriam Ellis April 8, 2019, 9:37 am

    And who has to clean those pants that have been rolling in cow poop?!?! In any case, congrats on your new fencing AND your permit for kitchen remodel! Happy Spring!

    • Ellen April 8, 2019, 6:15 pm

      Thanks Mims. I am the cleaner of those pants and the ones from the day before when he fell into horse poop. Oh, my heck!

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