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Cattle Drive

I had another great, NEW experience today!  I went on my first cattle drive.  The sun was out, and all was beautiful.  I may have only ‘driven’ in a truck, still that is driving and I was helpful.  After all, I opened one gate and stood on one wire fence for a horse that did not want to step over it.  I delivered one cup of hot chocolate and took a lot of pictures.  Sure, they could have probably moved the 300 cattle the 6 miles without me… still….   someone had to drive the trucks and trailers back to the ranch and that someone was…. The Preacher’s wife and I was the someone who kept her company.

Here is Our Friend the Rancher in charge of getting all the cattle out and the people organized.  Yes, he said, the people organizing was the hard part.

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Loading up the team…


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Cowboys and Cowgirls come in all sizes…


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All types of mounts as well as this red mule..

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A few hard-working dogs as well…

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The horses and riders start pushing the cattle down the hill.

Grandma leads them and keeps them following her as she sits in the back of the pickup, singing a chant to the cows and throwing out hay.

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Here they come…

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We have been positioned to block a path with the truck and trailer to keep the cows on the right trail…

Then we fall in behind the ‘herd’ traveling down the highway.

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Rest stop at the Big Pines rest stop, to water cows, people and horses.

One cow decides to go into the Yakima river and comes out with encouragement, only to get herself stuck in the muck up to her cow knees.  She is too tired to move and finally is left behind.  Our Friend the Rancher will return for her later when she has rested and is able to help get herself out of the muck.

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A family event… son (5 years old), Dad and Grandpa…

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A LOT of very happy pregnant cows glad to be home.

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A yearly event… I’d like to help again next year… and as good as I was at  my job (keeping The Preacher’s Wife company), I would like to upgrade to Cowgirl.  That will mean both a lot more time in the saddle for me and a much bigger saddle for … well, you know.

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Julia February 3, 2013, 10:35 am

    Oh Ellen…how fun!! You wait and see…next year you will be on a horse and pushing those cows like a pro :).


  • Miriam February 3, 2013, 7:52 am

    I was humming the “Bonanza” theme song the whole time reading. What a great adventure! What happens if a car comes along on the highway while it is covered with 600 cows? Who has the right of way? Not a question that is covered in the DMV handbook, I think.

    • Ellen February 3, 2013, 1:14 pm

      Actually, it is the theme to ‘Rawhide’ that is sung… “Move ’em up, keep ’em up” etc. Cows have the right of way and actually the highway gets workers out on both ends to direct or to ‘non-direct’ the traffic. SO fun!!!

  • Diane Brown February 3, 2013, 6:55 am

    Yee Haw!

  • Christa P February 2, 2013, 8:59 pm

    so jealous!!!!

  • Heather Flatley February 2, 2013, 7:30 pm

    What a great experience! Ellen all your posts are wonderful, it’s so fun to keep up with all that is going on with you and family!

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