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Bits of an Ex-Pat Life

There are moments of being a tad ‘blue’. If any newly arrived Ex-Pat told me differently, I’d just have to say, “Liar, liar pants on fire”. Obviously, I knew this journey would not be easy and that it would have times of loneliness. I was unprepared for the impact the time difference would have on my ability to reach out to my ‘people’. Writing helps chase away the blues, so let me share a bit of our days.

The Shore Inn is our ‘local’ as they call the neighborhood pub. This sits down by the harbor and on beautiful days you can take your beer outside. One cold days you can sit by the fire or sit at the bar next to the man with the ferret. Dogs and ferrets welcome. We’ve seen the gentleman walking to the pub with the ferret on his leash or lead as they say here. We’ve been told that the ferret doesn’t bite, but we’ve also been told that he does, so either way I’m fine keeping my distance. I don’t think I’m a ferret person.

A flower garden in the middle of town. The picture doesn’t really do it justice.

The Scots love to walk. Such a simple lovely thing to do. Last Sunday at church people were encouraged to bring a picnic lunch for after the service and then there would be a walk. I love to walk, so I was quite excited. Gunner was excited as he was included in the walk part. The walk was not exactly around the block, it was from one village to another and back again. (Note to self: don’t wear nice shoes when you get invited on a walk). As you can see, not everyone in my group stayed on the path.

To Americans My Loving Spouse sounds either English or Australian. To the English and the Scottish he just sounds like he’s not from either of their countries. The truth is he is English and Scottish. We live in the same county as his Grandfather was born and raised in. We’re going to his hometown one day to have an adventure and walk around the graveyards looking for the Jamieson’s.

Living in Scotland now has drawn him to his Scottish roots. We’ve a fancy wedding to go to in June and someone needs a new suit….or.

Entitled to wear the Royal Stewart and Gunn clan kilts here’s the Hunting Stewart.

A lot of thought and deliberation has gone into this decision. Stay tuned.

Gunner and I were walking around the Elgin cathedral on a gorgeous day. (Not today, today is gray, just like they tell Scotland will be. Usually they are liars, as the weather changes multiple times a day, but today…not yet)

The information you find on gravestones and monuments tells such a tale. I hope you can read it.

We’ve been praying for months for the health and welfare of this Little Sister.

…and these Grandparents are so blessed.

Thanks for being along with us on this journey and for blowing away my blues.

May you be blessed this day too.

{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Christa Peitzman April 26, 2024, 3:46 pm

    I’m holding my breath for the kilt reveal. I have lived in enough places for long enough periods of time to understand where you are coming from. I have found all of a sudden you become accustomed and lose that feeling of new. You will always miss certain people and ways of doing but very soon you will be in your groove. Congratulations on the new baby! Such a cutie!!! Send pictures of your garden when you get it going!! I just harvested a 5 gallon bucket’s worth of fava beans from mine. Lots of shelling during TV tonight 🥰

    • Ellen April 27, 2024, 12:37 am

      He’s going to look smashing! We found my frock and fascinator. (The fascinator is a stretch, but I will have to channel my inner Christa). Oh, my goodness Napa wedding here we come. Good for you on the beans! Wow, I bet you love having a garden again. We’re going to try growing tomatillos. Luckily a lot of people go by on their daily walks, so I asked them what were the weeds in our ‘mystery garden’ and now I’m digging away.
      Thank you for your encouraging words.

  • Miriam Ellis April 24, 2024, 8:59 pm

    Your new grandaughter is ADORABLE! Do you get to see her often?
    Leave it to Gunner to get muddy on a walk. He looks very pleased with himself.
    Missing you!

    • Ellen April 24, 2024, 10:51 pm

      Thanks mu friend. We will get to see Little Sister in June when we go back for the wedding. Gunner is so great on walks and does happily jump into any water or in this case a ditch. Appreciate you and your keeping in touch.
      miss you to, hugs

  • Arrowhead Gramma April 24, 2024, 9:21 am

    I totally understand your blues and being so far from “home.” We did a nine month trip in our 40 foot motorhome which was a wonderful way to travel. However, I too had the blues from time to time and missed the birth of my first grandchild and numerous family holiday gatherings. I will pray that you will be given comfort during the days of the blues. Take care.

    • Ellen April 24, 2024, 9:51 am

      Thank you so very much, the sky turned blue and I got outside to weed a bit. Gardening in any way fills my soul.

  • Jan April 24, 2024, 8:45 am

    Ellen, it is such a balm to read your story as it roll out. Having Scottish roots makes me homesick for my mother soil. My Mom was. MacConnell (Sept of Macdonald). The local pub called to me and I could imagine sitting by the fire with misty rain outside keeping everyone company.
    I do hope you post a picture of Pat in his tartan suit! The men always look so dashing in the kilt!
    Thank you for sharing you journey. I do miss your face !🥰

    • Ellen April 24, 2024, 9:55 am

      Oh, Jan it is so very nice to have you ‘along’. I will post pictures of the kilt. It is actually being hand sewn, can you believe it. Just seeing him in the trial kilt, oh he looked so good. Such a piece of one’s Scottish history. He hasn’t worn the kilt since he was a small boy.
      miss your face back at you.

  • Diane Brown April 24, 2024, 7:32 am

    Your neighborhood looks lovely. I continue to work on my Loving Spouse getting used to the idea that I could do a “short” visit without him. It would be much more meaningful to actually see the places you write about, don’t you think?

    • Ellen April 24, 2024, 8:05 am

      What do I think??
      Your trip with Mark will be better, if you have your Ellen trip first! You’ll be freer to do the stuff he wants if we get our girl time trip in first. If you come to see me, it really isn’t a trip to Scotland, it’s just a visit to me….in Scotland.

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