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Our Senior’s Quilt

Senior Sunday.. it started off like most important Sundays with what can only be called ‘shower roulette’.  All five of us trying to take showers in the same 15 minute time span.  I could almost hear our old water heater groaning.  The bathroom doors didn’t open but for a split second, before another person jumped into the available bathroom.  But we made it and we were looking good, as long as you didn’t look too hard.

We were celebrating the graduating Seniors at our sweet little church and what a wonderful celebration it was.  The pews were draped with the quilts that had been made for each graduate.  Each quilt was as uniquely different as the kids themselves, 18 quilts in all.  Along with the quilts our church gave each senior a new bible, a better gift….there are none.

The Quilting Ladies had kept The Teen’s quilt a well guarded secret.  She didn’t know who had made it or what it looked like, even though she’d spent the last few months at quilting.  I knew she’d love it.  I figured that when she saw it and the dear gal that worked so hard on it, it was a sure bet she’d cry.


Loving in stitches…..









It’s a great place to be.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Carole K. June 4, 2013, 1:57 pm

    Sounds like miracles taking place all the time on Glory Farm! How do 5 people take showers in 15 minutes? How many of you had cold water? Fabulous church you go to with the new Bibles and all. Beautiful quilts and lots of proud looking kids. Oh, and did I mention the proud looking mother dressed in red and white?

    • Ellen June 5, 2013, 12:08 pm

      Thank you sweet Carole,
      That’s why I called it roulette because someone got cold water….but it wasn’t me!

  • Miriam June 4, 2013, 10:22 am

    What a wonderful tradition! The seniors can carry all that love with them into the future.

  • Diane Brown June 4, 2013, 6:09 am

    Those quilts are just gorgeous! What a fabulous tradition your church has…a great way to make their faith “stick” as they head off to college!

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