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Benny and the Jett (the poodle of the livestock world)

And our new animals are…

Two young male alpacas, Benny (2) with the mutton chops and Jett (3) with the awesome hair-do. My Loving Spouse had his play list all ready and hit Elton John’s ‘Bennie and the Jets’ as we left the farm to pick them up. As Elton’s lyrics say, ‘our weird and wonderful’ new animals.

We had just recently discovered all the positives of alpacas.

  • Comedy
  • Hypo-allergenic fleece
  • Non-aggressive
  • Easy on fences (huge plus)
  • Eats almost any grass and weed and doesn’t need much
  • Weighs only about 150 pounds
  • The herd picks a spot and poops in it. Everyone, seriously!

Our dear old boys (horses) are really getting on in years and cannot be ridden. We are also getting on in years and have decided that our horse riding days are over. A sad decision, but there is so much we’d still like to do, that getting thrown off of a horse would mess up, that it was the right decision for us. As our horses age, we’ll still need someone to help the cows eat the grass. Everyone was interested to meet the new additions.

The cats and the alpacas did not know what to make of each other. Sundance, My Loving Spouse’s horse took one look at them and took off. He wanted nothing to do with them. My Loving Spouse is researching how to build a loom out of old sewing machine parts. Our Sweet Neighbor Sue hits it off with Benny.

Our animals bring us such joy and sorrow. The next morning, my horse Beau was standing in the far corner of the North Four. We’re not sure how long he stood there, but he wouldn’t leave Sundance who was down and had died. The bossy red horse enjoying grass one day to gone the next.

Sundance and Pat

The humans and Beau are sad, as is right. We worry about Beau, a herd animal. Surprisingly, of all things, he finds comfort being near Benny and Jett….

…and so we are blessed.

{ 10 comments… add one }
  • Marguerita Scannell June 24, 2020, 11:10 am

    Sorry about your horse. Just want to give you a “heads up” about alpacas.
    They have a tendency to faint when stressed out. During the horrible fires here in Northern California four years ago I was involved with a group of folks rescuing various animals from farms; horses, chickens, goats, alpacas. You name it and we loaded them up into a horse trailer and moved them out of harms way. Most, but not all, of the critters we transported were cooperative in loading. The two exceptions were the alpacas which were fainting all over the place. We had to carry them off the mountain down to the trailers!! The other was Coco the Scottish Highlander with horns! Most of the fences had burned down so trying to corral her was quite the challenge. It took 11 of us running all over the hillside two hours to finally get her in the trailer!! It was hilarious and quite the scene!! So watch out for those fainters!!

    • Ellen June 24, 2020, 1:18 pm

      Wow! What an ordeal. Thank you for the ‘heads’ up, it is always good to learn more. We did get them from a ranch that breeds champions. I think these are the ‘b’ string. She did say, if one needs to go to the vet, take them both.
      Thanks for your comments!
      I do love to hear from my sweet readers.

  • Terri A Reed June 23, 2020, 11:58 pm

    Hmm, many horses are terrified of llamas, could be horse-eating monsters!??? Takes awhile for them to get used to each other . . . .

    • Ellen June 24, 2020, 7:12 am

      Obviously, my Beau is just brilliant and getting his comfort and his herd where he can.

  • Richard Godley June 23, 2020, 11:30 pm

    Oh dear, what a conflict of emotions… I love horses and riding (although don’t do much of that these days) and Alpacas are simply the best. Recently shorn? Very sorry to hear of Sundance. I lost a very naughty and often bad-tempered Shetland which probably upset me more than the kids. Beau will grow to love Benny & Jet no problem. How old are they?

    • Ellen June 24, 2020, 7:07 am

      Benny is 2 and Jett is 3, so in Alpaca years they are quite young. Benny actually too young to breed. Thank you so much for your kind words, this is the first horse I have lost. Beau is a bit lost for sure.

  • Diane Brown June 23, 2020, 10:23 pm

    Wow! I never would have guessed that these two were your latest edition. Too cute! I bet there are more posts to come about their antics. Can’t wait!

    • Ellen June 24, 2020, 7:04 am

      Oh, my…already! Pat was gone and one was out!….

  • Miriam Ellis June 23, 2020, 10:03 pm

    OH! I’m so sorry about Sundance! Hard to loose any animal you have lived with for a long time. Hugs.
    Glad Beau is getting to know Benny and Jett. And those two are certainly comical looking! You guys come up with such GREAT names for your animals… and tractors…. and etc.

    • Ellen June 24, 2020, 7:04 am

      Thank you sweet Mims,
      To tell the truth, we had to resort to asking Team Offspring what could go with Jett. Our Daughter-in-law wins this round! We do love their names too!

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