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We made bangers (sausages) and I don’t mean the royal ‘we’, which we all know means ‘you’.  Like ‘we’ need to change the oil in the car or ‘we’ need to wash more socks.  No, this was the real we,  as in My Loving Spouse and I.  It is handy to actually have an Englishman to help you make English sausage, but not completely necessary.  However, our Englishman was in charge of the recipe, locking in the meat grinder and procuring all the ingredients, so he was/is a pretty handy fellow.

Casings for the sausage to fill are a vital necessity.  Once again proving that you can find anything on the internet.

2013-01-26 10.27.40

Out comes Granny’s scale to weigh the pork (5 pounds 1 ounce) and adjust the recipe accordingly.

2013-01-26 10.49.41


One loaf of cheap bread toasted, then I was the official ‘grinder’ dissolving it into bread crumbs.  As this was how my mother made meat loaf, I was a well-trained crank turner.

2013-01-26 11.03.05

The pork and spices were also given a good run through the grinder along with the bread crumbs.

2013-01-26 11.27.54

Getting the casings ready to be stuffed took some work as one must run water through them.  The best way is to attach them directly to the faucet, pretty much like filling water balloons.  So again, we are a somewhat well-trained team.

2013-01-26 11.07.07

Sliding the casings onto the sausage stuffer.  I might say the casings seemed a bit slimy, but I won’t, as I have kids that often read this and  I want them to eat these sausages.

2013-01-26 11.35.41

More cranking….sausage meat gets loaded into casings.

2013-01-26 11.38.01

One happy Englishman with a pile of bangers.

2013-01-26 12.05.45


{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Ellen February 21, 2013, 4:28 pm

    The theme is Thesis…

  • Diane Brown January 27, 2013, 9:13 am

    You are making very good use of Arnold!

  • Sheena January 27, 2013, 8:11 am

    Boy! Do they look good!

  • Christa P January 27, 2013, 8:07 am


    • Ellen January 27, 2013, 8:12 am

      Jet Lag, I am betting for Christa! I was thinking of you yesterday as we were making them, how much fun you’d have making them here.

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