I think we might be acclimatizing. 45 degrees feels warm! The weather has turned beautiful again. The grey days have passed through, if even for a while. Now the clouds are high and we can see the mountains and hills white with snow that surround our pretty valley. The birds are singing. There are so many of them and I enjoy hearing their different voices.
The wood fire is kept going, but without the same urgency as previously. In fact, The Teen only has to bring in 1 load of wood in the morning before she cooks her breakfast of 3 fried eggs! The same kid that I have spent 19 years trying to get protein into, eats our farm fresh eggs like they are manna from heaven. Now we know what the farmers have known for a long time… fresh is better, much, much better.
The snow has melted off and there is a surprising amount of green grass about even if it is not actually growing, it is green none-the-less. Green enough to encourage a site one does not want to see. The other morning My Loving Spouse was brewing the morning coffee and I opened the window blind in our bedroom to see our yearling Dixie calmly nibbling on grass by the woodshed. (In other words, THE HORSE HAD GOTTEN OUT!) I loudly screamed for My Loving Spouse, who did not come running as he was getting the coffee and as he thought ‘it was just a mouse in the bedroom’. (Let me specify, ‘a mouse in my bedroom IS a running to the rescue event’ just so we’re all clear here.) I grabbed a robe and went running out of the bedroom, hollering his name again. This time he did come running. I stood before him eyes like saucers, my mouth open like a huge gaping hole unable to speak! Finally, I waved my arms and stuttered… ‘Dixie is at the woodshed’!!!

He calmly handed me my coffee (good thinking) and said, “Let me get dressed….the last thing you do is run outside all excited, like you, to capture a way-ward horse”. Mr. Calm (My Loving Spouse) put on some clothes, got some hay and took the girl back to where she belonged. We then fed them a LOT of hay to keep them put for a while, as we fixed fences for the day.
Doing what we always do on our day off, which is never what we planned.
Love it. The weather here is still just as cold, dark and wet.