Keeping a 123 year old farm-house clean is like keeping the pond dry. I do get overwhelmed sometimes at the dust and the dirt, to say nothing of the boxes that still need unpacking, the furniture that doesn’t quite ‘fit’ and the walls that need painting… However, I am so grateful to be in this wonderful old house and to call it home. I used to live on a small lot next to the freeway and we made it work To say this is a big, beautiful change would be an understatement.
Moving is always stressful. Moving because you want to and you feel it is right for you and your family, not because of a job change brings many questions, comments and opinions (welcome or not) from others. Most were positive & encouraging, some questioning and only a few belittling, aren’t people great!
As a blended family, there were 7 of us to consider, with the 5 kids in 5 states. Even those who are really bad at geography could figure out, that we couldn’t move closer to them all. We were told things like, “good for you, follow your dream”, “have you really thought this through”, or “this is nothing but a fairy tale”. Those who truly loved us and knew our hearts and our story, “God’s calling, it will be fine”. We treasure those who gave us their blessing.
This is a beautiful, peaceful, amazing place. All 5 kids can run the farm, ride tractors and horses, and join with us in building a special home for us all. For the teen who has had the hardest road to tread in life, this move has been nothing short of an amazing blessing. As this dear girl sits and sees her older brother playing with the kittens she whispers to me, “I love having him nearby”.
She hugs him tight and tells me, “I love my life, mama”, and for this I am ever so grateful.
Thanks for starting off my Monday the right way…I am so happy for you!!
Thank you so much Chris!
Hope you are well!!!
Again you have made me weep. I am so glad for Laura, and for all of you, of course, but esp. for Laura, who I have known for all these years: adorable little girl in cowboy boots, my Earthquake Laura, now a happy teen. Thanks be to God!
Hi Ellen,
You gave me goose bumps with this blog. I love reading them and enjoy all of your observations. Some day maybe you can put them all in a book!
Hugs, Trudy
Love the feedback! Thank you so much and you will get a signed copy!
It sounds hectic and peaceful at the same time. Keep up the good work.
Wow, sister!!all I can say for the tears!! Blessings to you!
Ok not much to say except I read the last paragraph with tears in my eyes! God is good! xoxo
Many days I read your blog and laugh out loud. Today you brought tears to my eyes. So happy for you. Miss you bunches.
Can’t wait for you to visit. You have walked the road with us, so I know you know the blessing. Thank you dear friend.
How wonderful, and I think your kittens are so cute.
I just love your blog, keep em coming!
Love to you all.