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Attic Phase?

Prior to My Loving Spouse slitting his hand open, we were making progress on the attic restoration…slowly.  Luckily, we’ve had help from Team Offspring.  It was time to frame out the new wall in My Girl’s room, thereby creating a hallway to the attic from all the other upstairs bedrooms.  Creating a larger walk-in closet for My Girl, a trade off…smaller room/bigger closet, and of course the bonus to all…a bathroom upstairs!

We built the first wall in what I was calling ‘Amish’ style, building the wall on the floor and then raising it up into place.  It went up quite easily, just like in the movie ‘The Witness’ when they all get together and raise a barn…it was just like that, except Number Two Son filled in for Harrison Ford and there was no incredible sound track playing in the back ground, but other than that it was just like that, oh and our wall was a tad smaller than a barn.

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attic2picm8Like the Amish, My Loving Spouse begins sporting a pair of suspenders, but that is really because The diet is working and he is just trying to keep his pants up!attic2pimc9Number Two Son and My Girl have helped a LOT to work on the attic restoration for a variety of reasons…they are good people, they want a bathroom nearby, they get to use power nail guns, they live here and I make them.  Number Four Son on the other hand just likes to help.  He is not Amish, but he is filled with goodness just like them, which is very, very lucky for us!  Number Four was helping in a heavy job that required two working arms, cutting through the cast iron sewer pipe.  It turns out that there is actually a tool for just this purpose and Number Four knew just where to borrow one and how to use it…scary looking tool isn’t it?

attic2picm10The tool clamps around the cast iron and puts pressure on it until it cuts it, or squeezes it or something like that, all I know is that it worked and a big nasty job became a small easy job.attic2picm11

Now the sewer pipe can be altered to take in the new toilet line.  So all we need to do now is…

…finish the electrical, finish the closet, move the door, add the plumbing, install the floor (whoops, go pick up the wood for the floor, which is in Spokane then install it), add insulation, put in a new window, install the sink, repair the sink (that is another story), install dry wall, faucets, build medicine cabinets, install light fixtures and tub, tile around tub, add shelving, bead board, paint, not in any order and then clean…clean…clean…and it will be done…just like that…so simple (except for what I forgot and except for breaking stuff and except for injuries and except for the fact we now only have weekends to work on it).

So, if you visit…bring your tools, your patience and a steady gait to find your way downstairs in the middle of the night to use the available bathroom.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Heather Flatley February 25, 2014, 4:35 pm

    Looking good, the bathroom and all of you! We will come when the bathroom is finished!!!

    • Ellen February 25, 2014, 5:57 pm

      We will be glad to have you back!

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