99% of all visitors and inhabitants use the kitchen porch to enter and exit our home, the other 1% do not know any one who lives here or is a 6-year-old boy who wanted to use all the doors. The kitchen porch is where the barn cats sit in the windows and beckon to be let in to the house. It is where boots get left, (work boots & nice boots),
and even muddy boots…
meals get barbecued, tools get deposited on their way back to the workshop and where life happens. The kitchen porch is where the garage sale ‘find’ awaits THE Grandson to grow into this treasure.
The kitchen porch is high on function. The summer chairs make room for a friend. I phoned Our Friend The Farmer.
“Your chair is on the porch, stop by for a beer.”
‘I can’t I am moving my water.’
“I didn’t necessarily mean this minute, I meant in general….like the opening of Baseball season…it is now the opening of Porch Season”
‘Okay, I’ll be by.’The kitchen porch is real life….it gathers dust and cob webs like nobody’s business…but it gathers family and friends as well, and for this, I am grateful.
Oh how I would LOVE to stop on by! “The porch” is one of my favorite things about Martha’s Vineyard, too.
Me too!
Porches are a dying commodity. Looks like you’ve got a good one.
Yep, we do…captures the spill over from the kitchen too!