I do know something about parades.
I spent many high school hours practicing with my marching band for parades…band reviews…marching, playing and looking good. I grew up entrenched with the ‘Granddaddy of them all’, the Rose Parade, leading of this parade twice in the band. If you’ve never seen the Rose parade in person, you should add it to your bucket list! I stood in the cold on Thanksgiving day in New York City and watched the Macy’s Day parade with their great balloons float by. I have even waited outside St. Paul’s Cathedral in London and watched a parade or procession of the entire Royal Family as they celebrated the now deceased Queen Mother’s 80th birthday. I have waved and watched Team Offspring in parades of their own.
I have never seen a parade like the Veteran’s Day parade here in my small town.
The short parade route was lined with people of all ages. There was a color guard. Cub scouts…
…and girl scouts…
The high school band played…
The ROTC marched in straight lines…
There were military vehicles….…and even a few horses.
The parade watchers clapped and cheered…and hollered words I had never heard at a parade before…
“Thank you for your service!”
As the Veterans streamed by……there were fathers marching with sons…
I know something about Veterans. Most of my childhood friends had father’s that had served in World War II. We knew something about my father’s time in that war. Every Uncle I had served during that War…
I do not remembering honoring them. This parade might have been the best I have seen.
This parade was a show of respect…
from us to them…
and we are blessed.
I love Ellensburg! They do so many things right. Our country has lost so much of its soul in large cities, but many small towns still have it. God bless Ellensburg!
Amen! It is good for me to see and do!
Stay well!