Into my mouth? Not much! My Loving Spouse and I have been back on THE Diet now for 2 months. It has been worth it, and we’re doing well, but can you say, “Boring!”
My Loving Spouse bought this as he said it reminded him of me. Hmmm, I hope that is a reflection of my tenacious attitude toward dieting and not a commentary of my attitude toward having to be nice to anyone after a long work week.
because I am a sucker for a fun label, that and it was a nice red. I had to drink it sparingly as wine is not actually on THE Diet.
Passing up the Pho noodles while having lunch with Number Two Son was not too difficult. Bringing the noodles home for the flock was a must. Chickens eating noodles is one of the funniest sights ever.
I had no doubt that my after school kids would end up eating the supplies I provided for an engineering project.A few of them did manage to create a 3-D structure…
…but seriously, I knew that they’d eat all the best part of their supplies. Sending them home with a belly full of marshmallows wasn’t really a problem, yes, it was Friday!
Happy weekend to you all,