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We Went Home and Came Home Again

Standing at my kitchen window, we are home in Scotland again.

It is such a beautiful view. We are blessed to live right where we are, here in Portsoy.

We’re dragging with extreme jet lag. We flew across the world, drove across states and drove back again and had the most precious family time and celebration. It is hard to write about it in any way that makes sense. Our hearts were so filled with the time we had with loved ones. I’ll just write a sliver of the experience whether it makes sense or not. (Nothing new).

Dress rehearsal prior to packing. (I think he’s so handsome.)

What about my other Scottish boy?

Gunner had his own ‘stay-cation’. We’d invited young friends from Ellensburg to come and have a Scottish vacation, complete with home, car and darling dog. A bird’s eye view of his time…

All in all Scotland made wonderful memories for them all.

Meanwhile back in the states, we were playing games, shopping and laughing. We devoured Mexican food, pizza and gas station snacks, (See, I always tell the truth) and gasping with delight at the hotel breakfast.

We drove a ‘wee’ 700 miles across Nevada. We had precious people to be with. My Other Girl had to answer her 3 year old every 10 minutes, “Mom how much longer until they’re here?”

We planned our road trip with memories of our ‘youth’ and how ‘easy’ it is. Now as we imagine our next trip to be with our dear ones, we sound like our GPS as it does so often…”recalculating”. Was it worth it? Of course!!! How many times in your life do you get to find out, “Grammy is my bestest friend.”

My Loving Spouse is not really a ‘baby’ guy, but I had to pry Little Sister out of his arms to get my fair turn of snuggles.

We took the ‘kids’ out to dinner. I almost choked on my food. I was eating so fast so I could be that ‘nice Grammy’ and hold the baby so the others could eat. (I’m not that nice, I just wanted the baby.)

I’d sewn the Little Miss a hooded towel. I was greatly relieved that she immediately saw it as the Dinosaur towel, it was meant to be. Not a dragon or a shark or anything else…just a dinosaur.

A very rare purple dinosaur only found in Utah.

My Other Girl had requested a Highland Cow for Little Sister’s baby quilt, and she likes yellow and purple. I’d never paper pieced a quilt before and there was a huge learning curve. I was so very happy to get to sew again and begin to use my new sewing room. (Note to Number 3 Son, who’s visiting soon. I need help moving some furniture. It might not be just right yet. Eat your Wheaties.)

It has already been pooped on a little bit, as it should be!

Back across the state of Nevada with a sweet overnight reprieve at my high school friend’s house. We headed into THE wedding weekend. More time with family! We hadn’t all seen each other since before (damn COVID) at our other brother’s memorial. We were so happy to be together to celebrate!

Who dressed these guys!

The generation below ‘us’ (my siblings) has a lot of boys. They weren’t all there, but our parents had 12 grandsons and 1 grand daughter (My Girl). I’d never really been out and about with ‘the’ boys. Turns out that ‘the’ boys are all grown up and pretty fun to be with.

‘The’ boys figured out where to go for brunch and lunch and even paid the bills. Maybe it’s not so bad getting old. A few went walking and a few went to the Jelly Belly Factory.

Watching your kids and cousins together never gets old. It is like a double blessing.

We all moved so well together, we weren’t even late for the wedding!

Everyone cleaned up so well. There were a few guests who asked if they could take their picture with My Loving Spouse. In America there are characters for their theme parks and for weddings….My Loving Spouse?

We came together to honor our brother/sister-in-law and their son as he got married. A few of us commented that we’d finally be able to tell the twins apart as one of them now had a wedding ring.

We weren’t aware that so many of ‘the’ boys were in the FBI….


I honestly tried not to take too many pictures as we were having so much fun just being together. (Sorry, Father and Mother of the groom, ah…and everybody else).

When ‘the’ boys started moving towards the dance floor each with a chair in hand…we knew what could only be coming.

As ‘the’ boys were all strong and mostly sober, no bride or groom were injured in this dance.

I cannot begin to express how full my heart was to be with my family. To encourage them each to come to Scotland and to get together again soon with an even bigger age group included. Time together is precious and I was crying very hard as we had to say goodbye to each.

…and we are blessed indeed.

{ 14 comments… add one }
  • Arrowhead Gramma July 8, 2024, 10:26 pm

    So happy for you and the lovely trip home to see your family. Equally happy that
    Gunner had a fabulous staycation.

    • Ellen July 8, 2024, 11:58 pm

      Thank you very much. Our house sitters even took Gunner golfing, but he kept retrieving the balls!

  • Diane W July 4, 2024, 6:48 pm

    Oh, so much fun!! You both look gorgeous! What a wonderful, adventurous life you’re enjoying. So incredibly happy for you!! ❤️

    • Ellen July 4, 2024, 11:59 pm

      Thank you dear Diane, the guest room is ready for you…xx

  • Chezla Madson July 4, 2024, 5:13 pm

    We can’t thank you and Pat enough for this opportunity! It was amazing! And Gun-Bun was a delight 😊

    • Ellen July 5, 2024, 12:00 am

      Having you come was such a joy to us. We’re so delighted you got to enjoy Scotland and thank you for loving on our sweet Gunner!

  • Sue July 4, 2024, 3:26 pm

    That’s so wonderful, you sure made the most of your trip back to the U.S.! Thank you for sharing your photos, which were amazing! And for sharing your writing, which is always great, and so fun to read! I’d love to comment on all of your photos, but I’ll stick with a few. Those little girls are ADORABLE! And what fun for you and Pat! And what fun for Gunnar! Hopefully having someone there helped him from missing the 2 of you too much. You and Pat looked amazing, and it was so fun seeing photos of your kids, and of some of the family! Except the wedding party of course, but they would have been pretty busy with wedding stuff to attend to! It’s always easier to be a guest! Love you guys!

    • Ellen July 5, 2024, 12:02 am

      Thank you Cousin, I’ve a few more photos to send you via email. It was so nice together. The only hard part was when they wanted to take a picture of David with his sisters. I did it, but it still doesn’t feel right not having John there. Love you back!

  • Diane Brown July 4, 2024, 2:03 pm

    Wow! Loved reading this and so glad it was long. The many photos are wonderful! The bestest Grammy photo with both girls is just precious and yes, your Loving Spouse is quite handsome!! Such a delightful blessing to have time with lots of family. I especially enjoyed seeing pics of #1 son, #2 son and My Girl!! I dream of seeing your Portsoy view for myself! Much love to you all!

    • Ellen July 5, 2024, 12:05 am

      I had been praying so much for this trip to be positive and encouraging. Praying James 3 too, God is good. Looking forward to your visit someday xx

  • Christa Peitzman July 4, 2024, 12:43 pm

    You and Pat were no doubt best dressed!!! So fun you got to see so much family!

    • Ellen July 4, 2024, 12:51 pm

      Thank you sooooo much Ta. A stretch for me, but I live where NO ONE would go to a wedding without a hat. We were received so well, it was lovely. So many happy tears and so difficult to say goodbye.

  • Leslie Thomas July 4, 2024, 12:05 pm

    Oh my! What a brilliant post. I loved every single word.

    • Ellen July 4, 2024, 12:52 pm

      Ahh, Leslie, thank you so much. Hard to write when you cannot always express how full your heart is.

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