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The Workshop

2012-06-22 12.59.13We would both agree that the workshop is still a disaster.  The three bays are slightly improved from a year ago and now at least each section has an assigned function.  I would say the ‘disaster’ status comes from the amount of dirt, broken doors, lack of order and chicken poop that one must deal with inside.  My Loving Spouse would say the ‘disaster’ status comes from broken doors, lack of lighting, lack of time to fix it and ‘people’ (probably me) who keep moving his stuff, (which in my defense, I do not move his stuff.  I return his stuff, because I have this weird notion that tractor parts and power tools do not add to the functionality of our kitchen counters).

One side of the workshop shortly after we moved in, I’d like to say it looks vastly different now, but….

2012-06-22 12.57.45

The Workshop is a treasure trove of ‘stuff’, metal bits and pieces, old nails, door knobs, tools, cans of oil, parts of tractors, chains, wire, wheels, a coal-burning stove and a pile of coal.  Then of course there is the ‘junk’.  The ‘junk’ was in a large old wash pail, where My Loving Spouse threw the ‘junk’ when he was ‘cleaning up’.  The wash pail became too heavy to move, which is why it never got thrown out, which is also lucky for me, as I like the ‘junk’.  The ‘junk’ is now being turned into other ‘stuff’, which is a story I’ll save for another day…

2013-06-27 10.27.49

One bay has a large door that does not open at all on one end (it only looks open in the picture at the top of the website, as it had fallen off completely), this door needs to be fixed (no small job), and a small door on the other side that has also completely fallen off and a large section of the wall has a hole in it which needs repair as well.  This wall used to be off its foundation, but My Loving Spouse fixed it, so we are making some progress.  You could say it tends to be a bit drafty and cold in the winter, not exactly a warm and cozy man cave.

We need the workshop to work…better.  It is frustrating for My Loving Spouse when he needs to fix stuff, because he cannot see and cannot find things and stuff is always needing to be fixed, like the (bad British word) ride on mower which has broken three belts in almost three days.  To say nothing of the other projects we haven’t finished, started or come to terms over.

It feels a bit like we are at the end of a 10 month pregnancy and now have beautiful but colicky twins….with diaper rash!  The house and farm are beautiful, except where it is not.  Some of the farm’s issues we either didn’t know existed or didn’t know that they cannot be fixed, and we are just a tad tired.  I don’t know how to fix the Work Shop, but my dream for My Loving Spouse is for him to have lots of light, doors that work, everything clean (whoops… he doesn’t care about that), no chicken poop or holes in the wall.  Hmm, I wonder if I could hire someone to do that???  I’d need a really good work force, do you think there is an Amish ‘r Us.

In the end, my fantasy dream Work Shop will include My Loving Spouse inside, happily whistling while he fixes all the things that break, carefully and thoughtfully planning the next step of this massive renovation, with all his tools where they go… or maybe just plenty of light and doors that work.



{ 5 comments… add one }
  • Rob (the "Seattle" cousin) July 12, 2013, 8:20 am

    Hi Ellen,
    Hasn’t your “Loving Spouse” put up the light fixtures I gave you yet?
    Remember, I still have more to replace and will get to you (some day?).

    • Ellen July 12, 2013, 10:45 am

      I am afraid not… still a tad overwhelming in there…

  • Bill July 12, 2013, 3:16 am

    There is of course no such thing as “junk” – merely useful bits and pieces of metal, drive belts for equipment that is now obsolete and other such stuff which are moved periodically from location to location and which will be “useful” sometime in the future! I’m in good books with ‘er indoors for finally putting doors and drawer fronts on the unit in the porch after only 3 1/2 years of it being covered by a very nice blue drape.

  • Heather Flatley July 11, 2013, 12:54 pm

    haha love the bit about tractor parts and power tools on the kitchen counter! Ed got mad because I “returned” the charger for his power drill to the garage after being on the kitchen counter and totally in the way for weeks. Currently we have three boxes of bullets now in that same spot…….

    • Ellen July 11, 2013, 1:18 pm

      I love that! Seems that I saw aome bulletts yesterday in the pantry!

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