This is THE Bathroom’s big reveal or shall I just say, “TaDa!”
My Loving Spouse and I are feeling very pleased with ourselves and the final outcome of the ‘Attic’ Bath. We started this process years ago, when we were much younger…no, that’s not entirely true, we were old then too.
The floor is freshly painted. The shower glass door is installed, even though the instructions were the worst we’ve ever seen, possibly written by a 7 year-old whose primary language is not English. Seriously, don’t try this at home, unless you are like My Loving Spouse and you’re “handy as pockets”.
We’d planned on the most amazing set of medicine cabinets for Team Offspring. They would be extra deep and include outlets inside, so the kids could charge their beauty supplies and be ready for all quaffing emergencies. There were some ‘stud’ issues and we had a few ‘design’ discussion/fights. I recently looked at My Loving Spouse and said, “Scrap it. Team Offspring doesn’t even live here anymore, let’s just put up some mirrors.”I painted our little footstools in matching colors. We are completely ready for small visitors.
The hand towel hook performs a dual purpose, providing a handhold for the secret hatch, which allows us to access the plumbing behind the wall.
My Grandfather’s Clothes Tree stands at the ready for a towel or bathrobe.
I don’t know which we are more please about, the fact that the bathroom came out so nicely, or the fact that we are finally done!
We’re planning on a little toast tonight to celebrate THE Bathroom!
We are sort of proud of our old selves…

So….it took a while…and a lot of help,
and we are certainly blessed!
(Bathroom posts, which prove it only took a little over 4 years, and here I was thinking it was 5. Ha!)
You did an amazing job, wish we were a
As dedicated & talented! Enjoy!❤️
Well, you certainly are as talented. Thank you for your sweet words!
Wow, wow, wow! It has come a long way from its origins! You two do fantastic work together! Now it just needs some visitors…I have one in mind…hmmm.
It has come a long way! I am so glad I have blogged about it, as even I have forgotten all that needed to be done.
The upstairs is ready for my soon to be retired friend visit!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new bathroom! You must be so proud of yourselves… and SO glad it is done. The bookcase with bath toys lined up is precious. And the little door cut to fit under the roof line looks magical… Harry Potter could live there.
Thank you, Mims! It is sort of magical!
It’s lovely!! Be proud! Was that Uncle James Jensen’s coat tree? Perfect for that spot!
Thank you so much Shelba,
Grandpa (James Jensen) made it for Mom.
What a beautiful new bathroom Ellen and Pat! WOW! You must be so excited to have it done. I can’t wait to see it in person!! Great job!
Thank you, Joed. We are SO excited to have it done and happy with our hard work!
That looks beautiful!!!
Thank you so much!
It’s magnificent and you should be proud!! Enjoy it now!!
Thank you so much!
OMG….gorgeous! I’ll be celebrating with you as I lift a toast to THE bathroom!
Love you,
Peggy O
Thank you so much! It feels so good!