It was a very hot dehydrating sort of summer day. I spent it on Beau doing my best to ride like the wind breeze and not knock anything over, such as barrels & poles and trying to remember the pattern. My Loving Spouse spent the day resting in the shade, visiting the snack bar, photographing the action and being my head cheer leader, all the while dreaming of riding as soon as THE knee is healed.I am amazed at what a comfortable team Beau and I have become in such a short time. My view for most of the day…
We wait patiently and calmly for our turn while others are flying through the course kicking up dust and doing their best to shatter their previous times.
At 55 I am only interested in starting a new sport that is fun with other fun people. This gaming seems to attract a highly competitive, yet lighthearted group, who enjoy watching others improve….and that makes it a delight!
The riders come in all ages and are so very knowledgeable. Some of my new friends, happily coach me on how to do better. They say I am very teachable, that could easily be because I am extremely aware, that I know nothing and welcome all the help I can get. (They will also look at the pictures of THE Grandson when we have a bit of down time, friends are good).
Gaming (see Patterned Speed Horse Association) is a sport for families to enjoy their horses together. The riders take their riding seriously, but do not seem to take themselves too seriously, so it is an enjoyable and relaxing break from repairing the house.
When the kids were a LOT smaller, the younger two were on an equestrian vaulting team together. They worked hard to become strong, balanced and fit…to say nothing of amazing as they learned to canter around while standing on horseback…
However, the competitions were stressful days of being in the right place at the right time, with lots of rushing around and anxiety…a very far cry from Gaming, where the sign ups happen right before the event with a casual…”Okay, who wants to ride, the next event is…”
Everyone beat me yesterday…everyone, but that is okay. I beat me too, riding faster than my old times, so progress is being made! The last event was barrels and it was hot. Everyone was tired. Beau and I were beat, tired, hungry and I don’t know about him, but I had a definite headache. I might have packed it in, but I needed this time at this arena to ride next month in ‘The Classic’. All I needed was a clean ride…not knocking any barrels over. The announcer on the mike was in a lighthearted mood, which kept the tired spirits of the riders up. He was joking and teasing over each ride and rider. He did not know me, but saw My Loving Spouse come to the fence to photograph my ride, so he jokingly said, “Wave when you get to the second barrel”. Barrel riders are riding their horses fast and hard and each second counts, plus they are trying to hang on, because coming off your horse on a ride is certainly a Bad British Word, no one waves ever….until now. I was hot, tired and thought…oh what the heck, I am going to be the slowest might as well have some fun and so I did, I waved at the second barrel and there was a burst of laughter that may not be forgotten too soon….it was so much fun that when they goaded me to wave again on the home stretch…well why not!
(Most of the ride is attached, if you are so inclined…)
LOVE the picture of you leaning against the fence with your boot heel hooked over the rail. You’ve clearly completed your city > country transition!
Thanks Dear John & BJ!!
What a fun new sport! And Beau is a real beauty!
Yep and Yep!
Ps Tell “your loving spouse”thanks for the video! It was fun to be there vicariously!
I’m SOOOO proud of you! I know that is much harder than it appears!
Thanks my friend!! It is!! Fun too!