Although our days continue to be warm, and the skies show the effects of the horrible fires that are ravaging our state, we know that cooler Fall days are coming. Cold Winter days will follow those. Getting the rest of the fire wood split and in the wood shed needed to be done and it is a job I enjoy…black and white…easy to see the progress and way more fun than cleaning the house.
Luckily, we were able to borrow Mother Mary’s log splitter. A home-made splitter, that My Loving Spouse was intrigued by. We were given very clear instructions, if anything went wrong with the splitter, we had to promise not to ‘tinker’ with it, but to call one of her sons to fix it. (You can imagine that a ‘no-tinker’ clause was a bit hard for My Loving Spouse to handle, but he promised none-the-less).The splitter worked like a charm. I was making headway and quickly finished all the log rounds I was able to lift. The remaining rounds were actually too heavy for My Loving Spouse and I to lift together. We were going to need the help of Number Four Son (who is very strong).
The rounds were approximately two feet tall and two feet across and not a little heavy, but a lot heavy. Occasionally, I have been known to come up with a way to do a job that I wanted done, because I am not patient. I might maybe once have brought a floor jack into the house to move a very heavy piece of furniture. All I can say, is that it worked. I jacked that table up and rolled it to its new location. ‘Necessity’ might be the mother of invention or it may be impatience… I didn’t want to wait for Number Four, I wanted the job done now.
Today’s solution to my problem worked so well, that when Mother Mary’s kids came to pick up the log splitter they asked if they could borrow it.Trailer ramp? Log rolling ramp! Worked great and I got all those heavy monsters split, and loaded into Blue for delivery to the wood shed…sort of smugly satisfied with myself.
Hi Ellen,
I rented a log splitter from Home Depot and the ram part looked just like this one. I was able to split rounds as big as yours. The best part was that after towing into place, you could tip it so that the backing plate sat on the ground, the ram up in the air and you just rolled the rounds onto it! Since this one shows that they are very capable, maybe they would consider changing theirs to tilt too.
Yep, the ones that are on the ground are the easiest to use for sure! The logs don’t fall as well. When we make a move to buy or build one that is ours, we will certainly have it stand up!….Of course my cousins could come and play with it as well!
As I was writing the post, I thought…oh, this is a Dear John thing!
Well aren’t you the inventive one! As the saying goes, “there’s more than one way to …..”. Don’t want to offend any of the barn kitties.
Hee Hee!