Paddy The Pilot, was My Loving Spouse’s ‘handle’ when we met on (see, it does work). In a nutshell, if it floats or flies, he loves it. How he ended up with a wife, who gets sea sick and air sick, well, those questions were not actually addressed on’s website.
His latest vehicle for flight is a two seater Power Parachute. The pluses include, being able to take off and land in a hay field, and if there are any problems, well you are already attached to a parachute.
We, dog included, went over the hill last week to watch him fly. He is actively pursing his Sport Pilot license.
I hadn’t been with him before, because we had to get up long before the crack of dawn to arrive in time for optimal weather conditions. Last Sunday, I played the part of the ‘good’ wife and went to watch him fly. (This Sunday, I stayed home and happily pulled weeds).
We transported his Power Parachute on the trailer he made for it from an old boat trailer. Trailers are expensive. Old boats are free, so he perused Craig’s list for an old free boat….which came with a trailer. (Anyone want an old boat? It is currently in our big barn. It is free, trailer not included.)
He did some take offs and landings and flew around the airport a bit.
He is happy, and talks about flying a lot. I don’t really understand how it works, which is okay by me. However, unlike many of our projects this one leaves him happy to soar, not just sore….
So we are blessed.
Wow! He is blessed to have a wife who supports his hobby. I don’t support my spouse’s desire for a motorcycle!
I’d rather have them flying in the air, then flying on the ground!