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Sights and Sounds

imageWe are hearing the calls of the geese as they fly over head.  This reminds me, I am really living here, in the country as it happens often and makes me smile.  Unfortunately for the geese, it makes My Loving Spouse smile too.

imageBloody wasps, we’ve wasp nests everywhere!  The wasps are resourceful creatures who find all kinds of nooks and crannies to make their homes.  I had been surprised that we’d not got stung…until Saturday, when I got stung!  I might have said a few  ‘words’, like…’ouch’…and…… ‘darn’…. or something.  The Teen was present to make sure I received ‘adequate’ nursing and ‘mothering’.  Bloody wasps,  4 days later and I’m still itching.  Our Neighbor Sue says that the abundant wasp population could be an indication that we’re going to have a hard winter.  Really?……  Bloody Wasps.


The horses are the only ones to get regular pedicures and new shoes.  The farrier a talented and patient horseman.  I am the horse holder speak calmly to assistant and the dogs are the clean up crew as horse hoof trimmings are their favorite chew treat.  Might sound like an odd treat, but not as odd as pig’s ears (sold in the pet store) and they are ‘free’.


(One of my favorite pictures from the rodeo and I’ve put it in for the sole reason, that I just love it.)

I spent the afternoon ‘unfencing’.  Fences can be a great thing in the right place and a ‘bloody nuisance’ when in the wrong place.  We’ve more fences that we need in some areas and not enough fences were we’d like them in others.  As ‘unfencing’ requires little more than tenacity or as some said last evening while I was working, stubbornness, I am well qualified for the job.  A fence working properly is always an important aspect here…or you might end up saying a ‘Bad British word’ like Our Friend the Farmer when we found his cows moving out of their pasture and into his crop of Timothy hay.  I’m pretty sure this one was saying to the rest of the herd, “Gals, come on in…the hay is delicious!”


And at the end of the day…

I must say…

I just love it here.


{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Billy Boy September 14, 2013, 5:44 am

    Just remember Ellen that wasps are Gods little creatures as well………….. 🙂
    (and I don’t believe for one minute that there was no use of a “Bad British Word”!)

    • Ellen September 14, 2013, 7:27 am

      British…American…and a few other languages as well!

  • David September 11, 2013, 8:27 am

    The end of your day looks very much like the end of our days…and often entail a glass of Washington State wine! Can’t say I love living here in central Texas, especially during the summertime, but I cling to the word “content” as an exceptionally appropriate way of saying, “Don’t keep wishing for you don’t have!”

    • Ellen September 11, 2013, 8:34 am

      ‘Content’ is good. As with ‘gratitude’ for what we have, makes our days count.

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