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Oxtail Soup

My Loving Spouse loves oxtail soup.  Note the main ingredient…’tail’.  It might surprise you to know, that when the ranchers around here butcher ‘dispatch’ their cattle, they do not keep/use the tail.  It is not uncommon to see My Loving Spouse with a gleam in his eye saying,

“Oh, My Buddy is dispatching’… I’ll bet they won’t keep the tail.”

Off he goes collecting odd buckets or trash bags of tails.  I’m not sure how many tails he uses for soup, but it looks like he is planning on cooking some soon.  There was an odd-shaped trash bag in the sink.

‘What is that thing in the sink?’

“Oh, it is tail, it was in the freezer.  It needs to defrost.”

‘Well, it needs to defrost somewhere else.’

So I got an ice chest, left the lid off and put the bag of tail in it to defrost.

‘I put your tail in the pantry.’

My Loving Spouse chortled a bit….

“You’ve come a long way City Girl”


{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Kathy Christie January 25, 2015, 10:07 pm

    I love reading about your happy new life!!!

    • Ellen Walton January 26, 2015, 8:10 am

      SO nice to hear from you! I/we are so happy, at times muddy but very content.
      All the best to you!

  • Ellen Walton January 21, 2015, 6:43 pm

    You two were raised alike…the soup is quite good…once it is just bones…no skin!

  • Cynthia Palmer January 21, 2015, 2:36 pm

    I love oxtail stew and I grew up in the suburbs. Would make it more but
    it is expensive in the store. I also grew up eating cow tongue which
    was also served in Deli’s and by my grandmother and mom. When I go to
    asian stores I see hearts,brains,tripe(intestines) pig and chicken feet
    and I am sure it is a cultural thing. Oxtail stew is on the menu in
    gourmet restaurants too.

    • Ellen Walton January 21, 2015, 6:40 pm

      Oh, Cynthia,
      He grabs the tongues as well!
      The soup is actually very good…but I do not have to skin the tail!

  • The Loving Spouse January 21, 2015, 1:57 pm

    What my lovely wife doesn’t know is there are bison tails in my near future.
    I have never had the chance to make bison tail soup before, my mouth is watering at the thought.

    • Ellen Walton January 21, 2015, 6:44 pm

      Is it a bison and beer night or bison soup and wine…followed by Sloe Gin?

  • Jacky January 21, 2015, 1:28 pm

    My English parents were very fond of steak and kidney pie and liver and onions. I have a horrid memory of them making Head Cheese out of a ‘dispatched’ hog. Be thank-ful he’s only craving Oxtail Soup. If you think tails are terrible. Offal is awful!

    • Ellen Walton January 21, 2015, 6:42 pm

      Oh, Jackie… I actually like the soup…just not with the ‘skin’ on it. He talks about his Mother making Head Cheese and I will PASS! Maybe your folks knew mine, they loved liver & onions…and steak & kidney pie…both literally make me gag!

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