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There is a sense when living in a major metropolis’, that it is where the land of opportunity lays.  When people heard you might consider leaving the area, it was not uncommon to hear the words…

‘But what ever will you do?’

This was not a problem for me, as I knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I have been beyond amazed however, at the opportunities that have availed themselves for Team Offspring, here in the country.  Number Two Son’s plan was to be a visitor at Glory Farm.  He was at a theater arts college on the East coast when we moved.  He was content at his school, acting, singing and writing plays…(I think he was studying too, but I do not actually know that to be a fact, but his grades were good so perhaps he found a bit of time for that as well).  Then….life threw him a curve ball…his school was in financial disarray so they doubled his tuition…and eventually he came ‘home’…to the country…our boy that loves New York City and subways and theater and city stuff.

Opportunity is abundant…and I believe that God is good.

Number Two Son is finishing up at Central Washington University.  He is back in his element…acting, performing, learning and working.

Working at Cave B… an estate winery with a fascinating and deep history set at the Columbia river’s edge.

This little picture does not begin to do justice the beauty of the winery.
(This little picture does not begin to do it justice)

Number Two loves being out at the winery, learning about the wine…how it is made…the grapes…the process…  The people are wonderful…and they want him…beyond graduation…and it is exciting…and he is happy.  We are also learning a lot more about wine, to which all I can say is…education is a good thing!  Cave B is expanding their ability to make more wine…

oh, and they are building a performing arts venue as well…

to which all I can say is…

cave b1‘Cheers!’

{ 9 comments… add one }
  • Ellen Walton March 23, 2015, 5:38 pm

    I will Sweet Miss….then have someone give you a hug for me too!

  • Diane March 21, 2015, 11:36 am

    Ooooo! Another good reason to come visit in the summer!

    • Ellen Walton March 21, 2015, 4:55 pm

      Exactly! We’ve plans to go back and a summer diner would be lovely!

  • John March 20, 2015, 3:26 pm

    Once again, things work out better than expected! I think I see a pattern!


  • Jacky March 20, 2015, 9:30 am

    You look wonderful!

  • David March 20, 2015, 8:36 am

    Lovely post from a budding oenophile!
    Father #2 Joe might not approve, but I’ve essentially left all the Lauders behind and all the single malts in our cupboard gaining “age” while changing to red wines. Some day I’ll regale you with the wine making coop in which Brian (now Dave) has a participatory interest–our participation is essentially in coop-ing with him to make up a share. These are Washington State grapes and I get lots of fine quaffable wine as a result.

    I think the most encouraging comment hidden among the gems about #2 Son is the statement that “The people are wonderful…and they want him…beyond graduation…and it is exciting…and he is happy.” This is joyous news for him and for contemporary parents who face the bleak employment horizon of today from behind. Huzzah!

    Love from Texas,
    David and Marcia

    • Ellen Walton March 21, 2015, 4:56 pm

      That sentence is IT exactly!
      Such hope in this economy in an area he finds interesting…wonderful!

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