We were set to have the dumpster hauled away first thing Monday morning, so we could begin filling it again. Unfortunately, Waste Management was short handed and we were days away from a fresh dumpster. Simple set back or a bigger plan?
Tuesday early afternoon I received an email from a Seattle based blog reader. I’d never heard from her before, or knew about her, but there was an immediate connection. She and her husband have been restoring an old home in our neighboring town. Old siding is hard to find and in a nutshell, if we haven’t emptied the dumpster could they come out and dig through it?
Arrangements were quickly put together. Her Spouse called My Loving Spouse and they were on their way over.
‘We’ll be stopping in Issaquah, do you want something from Trader Joe’s’, my new Dumpster Friend asked. I laughed as this is always THE Question when some one is coming through Issaquah to us.

I said to My Loving Spouse, “When you talked to THE Husband, did it seem like they’ve been our friends for a long time?”
‘Yes, exactly!’
To say we ‘hit it off’, would be an understatement. We delightfully shared all the wood we could find, that was useful to them. They dug around, thrilled to be able to out fit their home that needed wood both inside and out, re-arranging and making more room in our dumpster as they went. This was a win-win for us all. We were delighted that these old bits would be used again…

Sharing, making and meeting new friends, who will be back for more wood… and we suspect a bit of fun as well.
Oh, indeed we are blessed.
What serendippity! As you said, a win/win for all concerned. And the discovery of some new friends!
It was such a God thing…bringing friends together, that we didn’t know we had…and a bit of re-using cool wood.