I love, love, love old windows…and doors….and bits of wood…and… So it is no wonder I am where I am with an old house with lots of old bits we are trying to restore and save and fix and live in and a work shop full of what some might call junk-trash, I call treasure.
The wall above our bed need a bit of something. I needed to do something creative as I was running on empty what with nursing THE knee and just the thought of a project was making me smile. I was off to the barn to look for an old pallet, planning on putting the boards together and then painting a simple white heart on it, didn’t find one. Looked at my stock of old red barn wood…not quite right…and found one of my old windows (that we don’t get rid of because I might need them) and it was perfect. It gets hosed off and left to dry.I wanted more than just the window and went about trying a handful of things that were ‘just not quite right’ or ‘didn’t Bad British Word work’. First was the old wire I attempted to bend into a heart, which did NOT go well. I thought about writing on it, but did not have the right kind of pen, but now have a small collection of drinking glasses with writing on the bottom of them as I tested out the pens I did have.
I resorted to making words with wire, which can be both fun and frustrating as some words are harder than others, so writing “with you I am home” was too hard, so settled for “with you is home”…
…not completely happy with it, and I totally forgot that the walls in the bedroom are dark grey, so black wire will NOT show…. Bad British Word, back to the drawing board. I do love our old corrugated tin, so asked My Loving Spouse who is slowly getting around a bit more, if he could cut me out a heart.Which he did, and I love..but it (the window) was still not quite right…
Then doing errands I was able to find the right pen (a Sharpie) to write on glass and I was off to the races. The great thing about writing on glass is that you can print off what you want, tape it in place and end up making words that look like you actually know what you are doing.
The finished window project is done and for me it is perfect…
or so I thought!
One of my crafty friends thought I should still use the heart and I’d have to say she was right!
I needed the words and the heart to get the finished look I wanted….
I love that you are still finding time to craft and with a new medium. (Makes cards seem so tame).
Thank you, thank you!!
Very Nice
Really cool and creative!
Thank you, my real artist friend.
Love this! I would still fit that heart on there somewhere. I just absolutely love hearts. Great job Ellen.
Thanks Dawn, I just might do that. Never know when it will be really ‘done’
Collective art idea….Have Pat cut out a primitive style 2 story house (with a few cut out windows). Place the heart in the lower corner (tilted a bit) on the ‘with you’ side of the window and the house in the upper corner of the ‘I am home’ side side of the window. Jacky
That would be neat. Love having creative friends.