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OK Corral

We built a sturdy corral yesterday, which means putting up more fencing, dealing with tractors and very heavy posts.  We’ve finally found a way to make the whole fence building process an awful lot easier…get someone else to do it!

I was shocked at how much faster and simpler the whole project went when there were 4 young adults working on the task.  My Loving Spouse had explained how easy it can be to break a tractor using a post hole auger, so The Offspring were more than happy to have me in charge of driving Jubal and digging the post holes, not to mention supervising (stupidvising).  Just for the record, no tractors were harmed in the making of this corral.


Number One & Four Sons hauled out the rail road ties, making the whole process look easy and light, which truthfully,  it is neither.



corral 4.picm corral.picm3

corral5pic.mThis is one sturdy, straight corral.  Team Offspring made it look pretty easy, but I think it had a lot to do with the appropriate ‘supervision’ I provided.  Whatever, we are very, very grateful that the kids wanted to help.  Having it up before the snow is even better and now we just need something to put in it….

{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Diane Brown December 2, 2013, 7:57 pm

    Beautiful corral!

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