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North East Open Studios

North East Open Studios is a not-for-profit
organisation promoting Arts and Crafts
in the North East of Scotland.

We’d seen these books and posters around.

We had no idea what it was, until…an acquaintance ran into us and gave us hers. Actually, she not only gave us her book, but explained to us what was going on.

There are hundreds of artists in North East Scotland. 300 of them for one week in September open their private home studios to the public. There are multiple maps and trails developed by the local artists to make the most of the adventure of peaking into the artists studios.

We’d taken turns combing through the book to find the studios we wanted to visit. Driving through the back streets and side streets of nearby villages was an adventure in and of itself.

Most of the artists we met were not only lovely, but ‘chatty’ as well. Talking about not only their work, but how they are usually a bit introverted, but this was their week to be out and about.

My Loving Spouse made me let me drive, as I am practicing for my UK driving test (which is another story).

We learned about some of the different artistic methods involved and found it fascinating.

Private studios mostly meant private homes.

From a warm wood stove and 4 month old puppy…who ran off, because she smelled bacon. (Who can blame her).

To an old printing press…to a meandering whimsical backyard complete with a bit of their ceramics to remind you to shut the gate.

There were plenty of cards for us to buy at most studios, which was perfect.

After all, it wasn’t as if we were going to be buying anything larger than that…right?

Well, maybe just one.

To top it all off, we stopped at a recommended farm store on the way home. Chatted with more friendly folks. Got to meet and scratch a lovely bull named Huxely…

We got on so well, I might be dropping by during calving time.

What a lovely day…we are blessed.

{ 12 comments… add one }
  • Katelyn O'Burke September 16, 2024, 8:47 am

    How WONDERFUL!! What a neat way to get to know people you might not run into around town! Love that.


    • Ellen September 17, 2024, 12:43 am

      It was fabulous! xx

  • Diane Brown September 14, 2024, 5:16 pm

    Your little corner of Scotland is quite busy. I love that they share their gardens, art, homes, cows, and themselves. Wondering what will be next!

    • Ellen September 15, 2024, 1:37 am

      You are so right Diane, there is always something going on somewhere! I’ll let you know, when it happens!

  • Christa Peitzman September 14, 2024, 4:35 pm

    Well that sounds like a lovely day!! I have a hunch you will ave your driving test. How is the garden filling in? Just got Fall crops in here. 🥰

    • Ellen September 15, 2024, 1:41 am

      Send me pictures of your garden. Email works. The garden here is looking simple, but cheery with the Cyclamen blooming. Everything else going in is more of a ‘sneak attack’ for spring with bulbs being planted. Some I’ve not done before and amazing looking double tulip and some packages of mixed bulbs, so it will be a surprise for me as well!

      I hope you’re right about the test. Fingers crossed and studying like mad.

  • Diane September 14, 2024, 10:35 am

    What beautiful art! Thank you for sharing your treasures with us, Ellen. So incredibly happy for your adventurous life!!

    • Ellen September 14, 2024, 11:44 am

      Thank you sweet Diane, You would have loved it! So glad we are connected still. xx

  • Carole Conn September 14, 2024, 10:04 am

    Love the painting!

    • Ellen September 14, 2024, 11:45 am

      Thank you friend, it reminded me so much of our time in White Hills

  • Pam Garries September 14, 2024, 9:53 am

    What fun! I like the painting you chose. It must look just right in your cottage. What an adventure, Ellen!

    • Ellen September 14, 2024, 11:46 am

      Hey, cousin… for an area like this, it is amazing how much goes on. love to you,

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