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Going Hunting

My Loving Spouse is so very, very excited.  Our Friend the Farmer has asked him to go hunting with the boys.  The thing is, when you ‘go hunting’, shouldn’t you actually ‘go’ somewhere?

From what I understand, and trust me, I realize that I don’t really understand hunting in the country yet, (or hunting anywhere for that matter).  Here is ‘the plan’.  Cross the street, move the cows, go into the field and hunt the goose or rather the geese.  I might actually have it wrong, it could be move the cows, cross the street, go into the field and then hunt the goose/geese.  I don’t think they even need to pack a lunch.

Now, I have seen hunters in action in England.  Okay, the hunters weren’t really ‘in action’, they were actually heading into the pub for their ‘after the hunt’ pint, but still they were looking sharp, as English hunters are known to do.  See exhibit: A


So, it was only natural that The Teen and I gently inquired/grilled My Loving Spouse as to what he was going to wear, when he goes hunting.

Wool pants? – no

Tie? – no

Hunting jacket? – no

Tweed cap – but of course!

Exhibit B:  My Loving Spouse on a recent mole hunt

pat mole hunting

He’s looking good and they’re crossing the street.

Watch out geese, your goose might be cooked.

{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Heather January 14, 2013, 10:10 pm


    I’d love to visit Glory Farm once I’m in Ellenburg! Thanks so much for the offer! And a question from someone very unaccustomed to such cold: what clothing essentials have you found particularly helpful? ‘Cause it’s still reaching 60 degrees in PA these days!


    • Ellen January 15, 2013, 10:17 am

      Hi Heather,

      I thought Penn. had cold winters? Well, what you need, depends on how long you are outside and where you are living. Oh, yes, and if the wind is blowing. When outside, a scarf, gloves and hat, make a big difference! If I am working outside on Jubal or the like and it is cold, I wear a Carhartt jacket of my son’s. That is the best for outside working wear, but really it all comes down to layers. We wear two shirts or a shirt and sweater inside and then add a jacket for outside.

      I found that with the wind, I cut my hair short, as I hate hair in my face. No wind now, and yesterday was the first day for wind. When it blows, it blows hard, which is why it is so beautiful here.


  • Heather Flatley January 14, 2013, 8:50 am

    omg great post!!! I sent this to my friend Nita (from high school days), she’s been living in England a few years now and she and her husband do the whole English bird hunting thing complete with the fancy clothes. Did Pat have any luck?

    • Ellen January 14, 2013, 9:03 am

      That picture was from mole hunting and no we did not!!! However, the big bird hunt is for Saturday morning…. we’ll see what he gets!

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