Our scarecrow is up!
She was built out of the ‘good junk’ from the work shop and she is one classy lady.

(Tons of great junk with lots of potential or Tons of junk that is not going to be easy to weld together)
‘We’ built her, our responsibilities breaking down as follows:
Design – 100% Me
Welding – 80% My Loving Spouse, 20% Me
Grinding – 100% My Loving Spouse
Arguing about design details 50%/50%
Arguing about the inability to weld just ‘anything’ I thought should go together 50%/50%
…but we did get her done…
she is fantastic….
I’ll let the pictures tell the story…
It might be a ‘girl’ thing…so far, I’m about the only one that thinks Gladys is fabulous! The guys….not so much. My Loving Spouse to quote, “That is the strangest scarecrow I’ve ever seen.” A neighboring male (who shall remain more nameless than usual) wondered why Gladys’ boobs went down, well.. I am using really old parts.
If you want to know her full name… Garden Gladys Night and the ________. You’ll have to ask My Loving Spouse.
If you want to weld some junk, come on over, I’ve only just begun!
Future projects?
Ellen – Garden Gladys is hot – I’m sure in more than one way! She’s terrific and you are one creative lady! I’ve been meaning to write to you for some time and tell you how much I enjoy your postings. I’ve fallen in love with your farm and your family. Your articles make me laugh and smile and sometimes even cry – your daughter’s graduation piece was especially poignant and hit close to home. While I will probably only “check-in” with you every now and then, please know that you brighten many a day. I’m enjoying living a charmed farm life vicariously! Fondly, Kathy
Thank you so much, Kathy. It means a lot to me as we share in this adventure called life together. I realy appreciate it as honestly I often wonder what I am doing. I am glad others are enjoying it.
Love Gladys! Can’t wait to see the Pips!!
I think it is fantastic. Great design job. May not scare the crows, but adds the Ellen touch to the garden. Well done.
She is wonderful, great job!
As long as she makes you smile, that’s all that counts!
She makes me smile, think her “old parts” are grand..
I love her!
She’s beautiful! Well done!
You have provided us with a medically accurate picture of what a mammogram feels like!! GREAT scarecrow, can’t wait to see future ones!
opps, sag not sage!
I LOVE Gladys! The boobs are age appropriate, at 70, my sage, thank you very much :)) I’m still bringing one of my homemade scarecrows when I visit. The two “girls” will be great friends.
Peggy O
Love the thought of you visiting! It will be good for my soul.
Love you