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Fordyce Village Open Garden Day

Fordyce Village is 2 1/2 miles down the road from Portsoy. Fordyce is a historical village with an abundance of charm. I had been looking forward to wandering around people’s gardens ever since I understood their advertising in the lay-by along the main road.

The village event was well manned, clearly this was not their first ‘rodeo’. Upon parking our car in the school’s playing field we were given a map of the wee village with locations of the gardens we were allowed to wander around in.

The first stop had an impressive vegetable garden.

Most of the gardens on display were small, but abundant.

But not everyone enjoys gardening….

There were plenty of walls to sit on for My Loving Spouse, if I wandered a bit farther than he wanted to.

One accessed this garden by walking through their Landry room…

Obviously they took the ‘open’ of the “open garden” part quite seriously.

We followed the sound of a brass band around a corner to the vintage tractors.

After all, what kind of day would it be without a few of the greatest vehicles ever made.

If you use your imagination, you could hear the babbling burn (brook) that backed up to many houses.

There were a few places to have tea or strawberries and cream or kippers.

One of us was very excited by this. I have learned that there are not any kippers that swim in the sea. A kipper is a herring that has been smoked, possibly even barbecued.

All great fun and information for the garden I am digging for our cottage.

…and we are blessed.

{ 16 comments… add one }
  • Dianne Holloway July 26, 2024, 12:22 pm

    The nasturtiums are absolutely beautiful. Hope you guys are doing well.

    • Ellen July 27, 2024, 1:07 am

      So lovely to hear from you Dianne,
      Thank you, we are doing well. Miss people and food…
      Hope your family is thriving.

  • Pam Garries July 25, 2024, 8:55 pm

    Sea holly! I love sea holly. I have some in my not-nearly-as-impressive garden. What fun to share in the tour with you.

    • Ellen July 27, 2024, 1:08 am

      Thanks Cousin,
      I’ve just planted a bit of holly as well, but I’d have to double check the name of it!
      much love to you, thanks for your message.

  • Miriam Ellis July 23, 2024, 9:55 am

    Everything is SOOOO GREEN!!! What lovely gardens and what fun to tramp around them. Thank you for sharing your adventures. Always look forward to your blog. Personally, I would have chosen the strawberries and cream….. just saying….

    • Ellen July 23, 2024, 1:42 pm

      I did think about the strawberries and cream…it looked yummy walking by…. I love hearing from you and the area is so green. I love driving and seeing the different fields cut with different crops, green, green everywhere. The most beautiful country! xx

  • Christa Peitzman July 22, 2024, 7:04 pm

    Those gardens were just lovely! How fun and inspiring!! I look forward to seeing your garden in process!!! Please do share the process!!🥰

    • Ellen July 23, 2024, 1:05 am

      I will Christa, I’ve gotten a subscription to BBC Gardeners World and am constantly learning so much. Appreciate you.xx

  • Shelley Harrison July 22, 2024, 3:22 pm

    Simply lovely…. especially the vintage tractors.
    Looking forward to seeing how your garden grows!

    • Ellen July 23, 2024, 1:06 am

      Thanks Shelley, the Tractors were a Fordson! So nice to have you along the journey.

  • Judy Nissen July 22, 2024, 11:47 am

    What a delightful afternoon! Love, love, love that you are sharing your new life with us! I did notice on the sign it read 12AM to 5PM. A typo or is noon still considered the morning?

    • Ellen July 22, 2024, 11:54 am

      …and I LOVE that you are still along for the ride with me. I imagine that they don’t actually know how to say ‘noon’. You would love it. Hope to connect with you soon.
      much love,

  • Heather Flatley July 22, 2024, 7:32 am

    Wow!! So inspirational! Looks like a very fun day!

    • Ellen July 22, 2024, 9:11 am

      It was just great. So simple, so fun.
      Thanks, Heather.

  • Diane Brown July 22, 2024, 7:23 am

    How beautiful! Just lovely that they wanted to share with others who would appreciate their efforts. Very neighborly folks in Scotland! By the way, when I visit, I won’t be eating kippers.

    • Ellen July 22, 2024, 9:11 am

      Pat will happily eat your share!

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