Incubator – take ???…I’ve lost count!
Not being one to give up, My Loving Spouse had another go at hatching a clutch of eggs using his home-made incubator. He made a few minor adjustments to his design and I’m afraid the gentle sounds of ‘clucking‘ were replaced with a bit of cursing as he ‘encouraged’ them with an occasional ‘hatch damn you’ this go around. By his account they (those 13 eggs) should have started chipping and chirping 2 days ago. It would seem that the thermostat failed, and I’m afraid we baked them. It could be a good thing we’re not planning on going into the chick business.
However, our Surrogate hen was seeming to do fairly well only getting on the wrong set of eggs once. The hen’s owner found the situation quickly and moved her to the right clutch of 13 and removed the 2 she’d laid. Chickens are not very smart, as Our Friend the Farmer says, ‘there is a reason they end up at the bottom of the food chain’.
The hen’s cautious owner had been texting me with updates on the condition of the hen and the eggs.I happened to mention to The Offspring that I thought it was a little bit ‘funny’ how much our Surrogate’s owner was ‘into’ her chicken. The Offspring just rolled their eyes and said something about some one who was a tad ‘funny’ about cows…kids, sheesh! Luckily for us, the Surrogate with help from her owner seemed to have done a exceptional job.
The Surrogate has managed what our ice chest, light bulbs, thermostat and
cursing clucking has not.Along with a very excited child who was happily digging up worms for the new chicks to eat…
Chicks in total 9! Country life…what a treat!
I guess it occasionally takes “a village” to hatch chicks, too.
Adorable chicks and boy!