The rip out, remodel, repair, restore, Advil dance continues, but we’ve added a bit of creativity (and its frustration) to the mix. We’ve been asked to host a barn sale here at Glory Farm with multiple vendors in a few weeks, which has been the driving force behind the BIG barn clean up. We expect there to be antiques, fall decor, vintage farm items and pumpkins (if the magic pumpkin fairy visits and they turn orange in time).
One man’s trash is usually… another man’s trash. However, add a wife and some creativity to the mix and you get, well, a pile of trash… with potential. This shed of debris was easy to put far down on the list for clean up, as we did not need to go through it for any reason. There were old/new kitchen cabinets that were re-purposed for My Loving Spouse’s work shop, a LOT of dust, dirt and a large pile of wood that I now go through regularly in my quest for treasured bits of weathered pieces. This is the inspiration room.
My Loving Spouse is creative, so he is encouraging (even when he doesn’t understand what in the world I am doing). He is usually ready to help with tool knowledge and wisdom when I get stuck, which happens often. My creative process looks more like an idea that doesn’t work, perseverance, trying something else, giving up, trying something different, whacking some wood, doing some laundry, counting the pumpkins, coming back to the project with a new idea and Ta-Da! Frustrating and rewarding all together.
My Loving Spouse on the other hand just gets his projects done. I mentioned to him that the old fencing wood would make great frames, so he made some. Sometimes he makes things look so easy.
We really are looking forward to the Barn sale. This group had been looking for a place to host their idea for sometime, so it is good to be able to help them out. It is also nice to take some time for smaller projects away from the huge ones at the house. A time where we can quickly see a beginning and an end (even if the middle was sort of frustrating).

Very cool! Those look great. You are so clever (both of you!) When’s the barn sale? I keep looking for a time to come visit.
Hi Ellen,
I always enjoy your updates!
Best, Chris
Ellen – continue to love your blog. The barn sale sounds like lots of fun (and work) and a great chance to mingle with the neighbors. Save a project for early May…
We’ll look forward to seeing you in May!!! Now, exactly how many projects were we to save???
Love the frame! Hope it sells well. Sure wish I could be there for the big event but Mark and I will be having fun that day, too-we are going to see Dave Ramsey Live! God speed getting everything ready. Have you rented the port-a-potties yet?
Good luck!