I have learned a lot about living in the cold, but apparently I still have some things to learn. Who knew you should not jiggle a cold hose…We do drain the hose after every time we use it by running it up and over a tall tree branch.
Still sometimes there is a bit of ice in the line, so I thought I’d just jiggle the hose to break up the ice…yes, now I know…bad I idea. Luckily the break was close to the water coming out part of the hose, so I could still use it to fill up the cow’s water. The cow’s have a thing or two to learn about the cold as well…like do not pull out the tank heater that keeps your water from freezing. If you do not believe me, here is the cow’s back up water tank without a heater….can you say…block of ice?The cats appreciate the cow’s nice warm tank full of water…
It is a trade-off, but one great thing about it being this cold is that the ground is frozen…no more mud and that is a beautiful thing.