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Bonnie Day

Yesterday was a Bonnie day and it (Oct. 19, 2024) was the anniversary of our landing in the UK with our suitcases and our dog. As they would say in Doric here, “It was nae (not) easy,” but it was worth it.

We took a walk to the harbor (because that is where the glass recycling is and we might have had a few wine bottles we needed to recycle.) We continue to be aware of how blessed we are to live in this town.

There was loneliness and struggles during the months of not having a home in this beautiful land. My advice to anyone thinking of becoming an Ex-Pat would be, prepare for the first year to be challenging and move where the people are nice and they do not come nicer than the Scots.

It’s actually pretty funny, as we’d been warned by the UK family, that North East Scotland was inhospitable. ‘It would rain ALL the time and the people were not friendly.’ We’re still trying to find the inhospitable people, but so far they keep not showing up. As far as the weather, it is fascinating to watch it all change.

Earlier this week friends took us out for a bike ride. They would usually ride twice as far, but picked this ride out especially for us, as we are the beginners.

This is typical of how people treat others here. It’s about inclusion, acceptance and plenty of laughter.

Yesterday was clear and the sea was calm. A group gathered and we rowed around practicing our skills, enjoying a good blather.

This fall, we have a cozy home…

…and due to a fancy channel, we get to enjoy the NFL! (Oh, be still my heart).

We invited the family next door over for American Football night. We served American Football food, as well as we could with Scottish ingredients. The Loons (boys) had asked what color to wear based upon who we were rooting for. We did the ‘wave’ and I taught them when to yell at the TV. It was great fun and we’re grateful to have each other.

As for moving to Scotland, it was like my best friends and I used to say in High School, a “bonne idée” which in French means “good idea.”

…and my prayer is that you are blessed.


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  • Stephanie Ristine October 21, 2024, 8:19 am

    You are a wonderful writer! And the pictures are so Beautiful. Thank you for allowing me to follow your great adventure.

    • Ellen October 21, 2024, 9:29 am

      Precious words to me. Thank you so very much for being along the adventure. Hope you are settling in to retirement.

  • Diane Brown October 21, 2024, 6:46 am

    Oh what a difference a year makes. So glad you are on the other side of your struggles. We have been enjoying football and Dodgers! How wonderful that you get to watch and share. I’ve started a senior exercise class with my mom twice a week so I’m with her more often which is great. The ladies are a hoot and very friendly. I am blessed!

    • Ellen October 21, 2024, 9:30 am

      That sounds like great fun and a great way to keep in touch with her new ‘normal’.
      hugs to you both!

  • Peggy O'Leary October 20, 2024, 3:06 pm

    Oh Ellen, how I love your blogs 🧡 I’m thrilled that you can watch NFL games. In a few hours John and I will cheer our Dodgers onto victory, we hope 💙🧢
    I’m on WhatsApp but not sure what to do next? I’m embarrassed to admit this to all your friends 🙆🏼
    Miss you 🎃Peggy

    • Ellen October 20, 2024, 11:44 pm

      Oh, sweet Peg, so wonderful to hear from you! We watch Dodger highlights every night, so fingers crossed. I will look for you on What’s App. Miss you and wish you and John could just swing by for a chat or a week. Our cozy double is always available for you! Much, much Love.

  • Christa Peitzman October 20, 2024, 12:07 pm

    What good sports to come learn the ways of American football. I so want to know what was served…🤗❣️

    • Ellen October 20, 2024, 2:13 pm

      “Our” boys are darling. All boy and great manners. We served pizza. Bud for the Dad. G&T for Mom. The root beer we had tasted like medicine, so we had to go with Irn Bru. Guacamole and chips (the chips were ‘fair’). Scottish sausages with BBQ sauce (not a hit). Veggies and dip (although there is no Onion soup mix, so we went with Broccoli and Stilton, which was pretty nice). One PB&J cut in triangles (declared good) and bowls of M&M’s except they only had peanut, so we added Reese’s mini cups and M&M ‘crisps’.
      It was great fun!

      • Christa Peitzman October 21, 2024, 7:23 am

        Well done! I’m impressed you were able to do guac and chips!! 🥰

        • Ellen October 21, 2024, 9:28 am

          Finally found some ripe avacados!

  • Jan October 20, 2024, 11:04 am

    So happy that you have settled in to your new home! 🙌🏻 Miss you still 😿

    • Ellen October 20, 2024, 2:14 pm

      Thank you sweet Jan. I think of you especially when I see some pumpkin spice (which is rare here).

  • Carole Conn October 20, 2024, 9:02 am

    I love how well this is turning out for you! What great friends and a very happy dog. Enjoy every moment.

    • Ellen October 20, 2024, 9:29 am

      Thank you dear friend,
      Looking forward to your days in Scotland someday.

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