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Blue Friday

We are living in Seahawk country now….  and today is ‘Blue Friday’, well, officially it is ‘Seahawk Blue Friday’!  Even the littlest of kids know…you wear your blue or your Seahawk clothes today, which we do not actually have yet…(a large collective ‘gasp’ by my Seahawk readers).  So, this is the best we can do…


(For my English folks, a ‘Seahawk’ is an American Football team…and they are winning.  Imagine if all of England was behind Manchester United and they were going to the biggest match….and everywhere you went everyone was wearing Manchester United clothes and speaking of nothing else….well this is what it is like…except more so….no one rooting for Chelsea or Liverpool…nothing but Man U or Seahawk) 

Coming from a big state like California where there are multiple football teams and some are loved and some are not and some just do not matter…this has been something of a culture shock.

There are 11 men on a football team…except if you are a Seahawk fan…then their is the mighty 12th man (the fans)…they are a loud and proud bunch.  The number 12 is everywhere… on the elementary schools, the stores, flags, shirts, decals, balloons, cakes…you name it!   They think this is normal…well, it is if you are in Washington…normal and different.  I am afraid we not only do not have any Seahawk garb (yet), we also have not found the time to mark the farm with the number 12.

Do not worry Washington!  We are here for the long haul and I am sure we will begin to get it ‘right’.  So far, our Blue Fridayness has not really been all that thought out.  Now this is a family that knows how ‘Blue Friday’ is really done and is raising them up ‘right’.  Thanks friends, for showing us the ‘way’.

 PS: If the Seahawks loose the Super Bowl on Sunday, the state of Washington will be closed Monday for a day of mourning…
{ 7 comments… add one }
  • Nancy February 7, 2014, 3:02 pm

    Go Seahawks. I know I’m late. But am really not a football kind of person. How Un-American. Even though I live in Bronco country, I chose to be in favor of the Seahawks winning the superbowl. Because the Pacific Northwest is so in my blood. So, yea, Seahawks! And my son had told me they couldn’t win.

  • Richard February 1, 2014, 1:31 am

    It reminds me – the start of the Six Nations Rugby Union matches this weekend – now there’s a real game…lol!

    • Ellen February 1, 2014, 9:18 pm

      My Loving Spouse would agree with you!

  • Miriam January 31, 2014, 3:52 pm

    We’re rooting for the Seahawks down here in LCF too. (But I don’t actually watch the game much. I like to watch the funny, incredible commercials during the game…. and the half-time show. So as everyone else is running for the bathrooms and the kitchen during commercials, I’ll be running toward the TV!)

    • Ellen January 31, 2014, 5:58 pm

      …and I am not surprised! Enjoy!

  • Joed January 31, 2014, 12:48 pm

    SO FUN ELLEN!! We’ll get you indoctrinated – we could probably share some Seahawk garb next year if you’re interested! Hey, I think Pat’s Seahawk colors are awesome!

    Funny story – I just got back from the Rodeo Arena. Some random dad/grandpa organized a photo shoot in the arena in front of the “Ellensburg Rodeo” grandstand sign. There were probably 150 to 200 Eburg folks there in their Seahawk paraphernalia, including “yours truly.” I just noticed it in the newspaper last night and it was pretty fun. The Daily Record may carry the picture or I might be able to copy it from the guy’s Facebook page . . . I’ll see what I can do. Haha! I’ll definitely post some pics on my page 🙂

    • Ellen January 31, 2014, 2:35 pm

      I love your spirit Joed! You wear it well! Thanks too for letting me use your picture!!!

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