The attic transformation has not been forgotten. We’ve just been slightly distracted by calves, cows and kids. My Loving Spouse and I framed out a lot of the walls the other day. It was very rewarding as the room began to take shape quickly…
…plus, I got to use power tools!
I was using a power nail gun to be exact, and yes, it was a lot of fun! It makes a big noise and with a puff of air shoots the nail into the wood. Now, you may be wondering why My Loving Spouse would let me loose with such a tool, well there are some very good reasons…
I love power tools…
he loves me and….
I am tall…
Ta Da!…Nailed those angle bits up in no time and the room is looking good.

Wow! That really is taking shape. I’m sure the upstairs inhabitants will enjoy the view and more!
There is no getting around my pals use of all correct and available tools…dg
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “tall girls have all the fun”. Your attic is looking awesome!