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Attic Floor

Someday the attic will be done…hahaha…no really, it will.  I’ve just no idea when!  With a recent visit from the Number Ones, we managed to get the new floor in.  We sort of saved this project for Number One Son, as it was a clean, quick, rewarding job, nothing like the beginning of this project!  He is always happy to help us here, but seldom gets to do a job that doesn’t require knocking stuff down and burning stuff up, (although those are some of his favorite things).

My Loving Spouse was the chief floor layer outer, note the official red pencil.


Number One Son was the floor installer, getting to use our favorite new power tool, the floor installer whacker nailer that is hit with a rubber mallet.atticfloorpicm1

Number One Wife looks on to because:

a. She is curious about this tool and might want a new floor at home

b. She wants to be sure it is done right

c. She loves the attic

d. She is pregnant and is wondering, if the toilet will ever get installed for upstairs usage

e.  all of the above

With the floor in and the tub in the garden, we just need a couple of strong sons (or the CWU Rugby team) over at the same time to carry the tub upstairs.  Then we’ll put in the plumbing, the walls and the sink and the much awaited toilet…  Summer visitors are watching this site with baited breath…all I can say is when you visit…pack some tools and a strong bladder.


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