Re-doing almost everything seems to be the key to learning how to do things ‘right’. It’d be nice to do things ‘right’ the first time, if we in fact knew what the ‘right’ thing is and of course, we don’t. So, today I re-stacked a stack of wood. “Re-stack” isn’t even a word, except in my vocabulary, so let me explain that I moved a tall (emphasis on tall) and tidy stack of wood from one spot in the wood shed to another. Why? Well, not for the exercise. In our lack of wisdom we’d managed to stack the seasoned wood behind the ‘wet’ wood and now that we needed it, we couldn’t get to it. Hence, the re-stacking.
I also did some ‘re-splitting’. More vocabulary, re-splitting is splitting wood that was already split, but apparently not split small enough. Since the key to staying warm in our home is wood that burns well and burns hot, I was very motivated to re-do it all.
Luckily, I can be taught and trust me, we have a system now, one of stacking, splitting and intense organization of what wood goes where and when, ’cause it is getting cold.
It is truly amazing how well you have acclimated and all that you have done! I love your posts! I wish my life would slow down enough to notice all the fine details that you have the joy to notice, although I know a lot of sweat has gone into all that you have built! Love you guys! Xoxo