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Winter Tidbits

Just checked the weather and it is 3.  3 – as in degrees, previously 3 was an age, a time on the clock (once a day, in the afternoon, 3 in the morning…nah…I don’t think so) and 3 was a ‘few’ (as in cookies, yes thank you, I’ll have a ‘few’).  3 was not a weather.

I’d like to say, that I have come a long way, with one winter under my belt and that I am just ‘reporting’ the weather, not ‘whining’ about the weather.  We are running on two schedules this weekend, holiday duties and..the weather.  ‘My’ Farm Prada jacket was repossessed, by its owner.  So, getting a new jacket (in a more girl color) is not a want, but a need.  In case you think differently, see paragraph one, it is 3 here as in cold.  The Farm Prada jackets are on sale at one of our favorite farm stores…in another town…about an hour away…so we are budgeting our daylight hours.  My Loving Spouse is off to ring the bell at the Salvation Army Kettle this morning and my duties are to catch up on the farm chores and bake some cakes for the church carol sing.

The last few days have included trips out to a beautiful lodge on the river, all decked out for the holidays for HopeSource.  HopeSource  is an amazing organization and My Loving Spouse finds his work fulfilling, challenging and rewarding…how nice is that.  We are a bit behind our work here though with all of us helping out at their fundraiser diner.  I have been to and worked at my fair share of these events.  Los Angeles or Ellensburg, last night’s gala was as beautiful and classy as any I have been to with live auction items (trips to Italy) and silent auction items (wine and hand bags), that I might only dream about.  However, it is the first time I have bid on and am quite excited about winning… two tons of hay.

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Diane Brown December 9, 2013, 7:32 pm

    Guess you wouldn’t find hay on the auction table at LCPC.

  • Miriam December 7, 2013, 11:01 am

    Hope you win the hay! And hope it is delivered straight to your door….ur…. barn.

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