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“Sisters… sisters, there were never such devoted sisters”  (singing or at least humming should go here and if you don’t know the song, then you need to watch White Christmas).  I was going to say, “Sisters are an interesting breed”, but that sounds like I was born on a farm or something and we all know that is not true!  I started off in life with just one sister and luckily I’ve been collecting them ever since.  My folks adopted my little sister, which was lucky for us.  My brother married my Sister Sue, which was lucky for me, and although the marriage was not meant for ‘forever’, the sisterhood was.

Sister Sue was one of those who was hard to leave behind in So. California.  She was glad for us, that we were moving to our farm and wished us well through her tears.  She said they’d not be able to visit us for a year and a half or 18 months or 6 seasons or a really, really long time.  I’m sure I tried not to whine as I said,”That long?” but chances are I did, just a bit wistfully, a longing whine, not a bratty whine and she could hear it.  She hasn’t missed a post from this Blog, so she’s well aware of the amount of work we have here to say nothing of the amount of animal poop, mud and cats.  But all that just made the year and a half wait much too long for her as well and so she came!

She came to see, touch and feel our new home, to snuggle her God-daughter the Teen, to make sense of where we are now and of course to learn to drive our tractor.  Her tutorial from My Loving Spouse went well, and the tractor chores were dutifully done, which mostly means neither Jubal or my Sister ended up in the pond.  As requested, the ‘Green Acres’ theme song was sung out LOUD and proud, it just kind of happens when you’re up on Jubal!

I was smiling from ear to ear and so delighted that Fall was here in all its wonderful colors to share with her.  Sister Sue is an artist and I knew she’d be bowled over by our valley.  She’d just picked up a new camera, and was truly like a kid in a candy shop as she worked with her new tool.  If we couldn’t find her in the house, she’d be out ‘shooting’ the leafs, the barns, the chickens, the trees and of course the pumpkins.  We did our part when driving around and pulled over at a moments notice when required to ‘catch the shot’.

So now we have a new common bond, our time together here at Glory Farm.  There is something very special in being able to share our farm with those we love.  So, to all my other sisters, come… soon!

To appreciate the beauty and art of my Sister Sue… enjoy just a few….






{ 7 comments… add one }
  • andrea October 29, 2012, 10:40 am

    The essence was truly captured! So happy that it can be shared this way. I work with Sue and she glows when she speaks of this experience.

  • Martha Perkins October 28, 2012, 10:40 am

    Ellen, adore the gorgeous photos from Susan.
    Also makes me feel like I’m sharing the experience of your farm.

    Also adore the blog/. And you!

  • Susan October 27, 2012, 8:36 am

    Love it!! Didn’t we have tons of fun!!!

  • Miriam October 27, 2012, 7:55 am

    AMAZING pix! Thank you to your sis for sharing her great ‘eye’ for beauty.

  • Christa P October 27, 2012, 7:19 am

    You could frame these shots on Oats bar wood frames and sell them at next years barn sale! 🙂

  • Diane Brown October 27, 2012, 5:48 am

    Love, love, LOVE the photographs of the farm, especially the ones of the tree and leaves. How wonderful to have someone with an “eye” capture just how beautiful Glory Farm truly is. To everyone reading-go visit, it is a little slice of heaven on earth!

  • Leslie Wizan October 27, 2012, 12:42 am

    Such wonderful photos from your sister Sue!! I thought you’d need a year or so to figure out just what season you’d want us, but just let your Zeta sisters know when you’re up for hosting a reunion, and I’ll start organizing.

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