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Our Friend the Farmer called.  He had another animal for us, the 255 pound ‘runt’ of his pig litter.  “Go take a look at it”, he said, (which is what he always says) and we go look at it (which is what we always do), although ‘we’ didn’t all get out of the truck, just ‘some’ of us got out of the truck, ‘some’ of us could see it just fine.  Going to ‘look’ at pigs pretty much clinched the deal on NOT wanting to raise pigs.  Our Friend the Farmer keeps his pigs fairly far away and definitely down wind of his house.  We didn’t really even know which pig we were looking for and it didn’t really matter, as this pig had a price tag and a name and it was called “Christmas Dinner”and then some.


The litter was going on their one way field trip to see the Butcher.  My Loving Spouse informed me that I was to call the Butcher and tell him how we wanted the pig ‘done’.

“What do you mean, how we want him ‘done’?”  In little white packages ready for the freezer was how I wanted him ‘done’.

At this point My Loving Spouse wised up and talked to the Butcher himself, which falls under the category of ‘good move’.  255 pounds of pig turns into 165 pounds of white packages and we must co-ordinate with Our Friend the Farmer at the end of the week for the official pig pick up.  My Loving Spouse is very excited about ‘our’ pig and apparently some pig ‘parts’ which are hard to get.  Really?  This is probably for a reason, was what The Teen and I are thinking, that however is another story….

But for now…bacon anyone?

{ 3 comments… add one }
  • Diane Brown December 17, 2012, 7:10 pm

    Your Friend the Farmer is full of surprises!

  • Sheena December 17, 2012, 3:21 pm

    Oh NO Ellen!
    Pigs are so intelegent! DON’T EVEN GO THERE!
    You can house train a Pig, they are beautiful creatures, and can become a better friend than a dog!
    S x

  • John & BJ December 17, 2012, 1:09 pm

    I’d forgotten pigs come in little white packages. I thought they came in big hunks with the hooves and hide still on them – you’ll have to ask BJ for the details.

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