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Our Reputation

We have tried very hard to put our best foot forward here in our new town.  Done our level best to be polite and considerate, wave to tractor drivers, plan to do our share, goodness knows, we’re even signed up to teach Sunday School (in August and just once).  Still there is a rumor going around about us.  I’m sure it will die down, and in our defense, they really do not know us yet, we’ve only been here 3 1/2 months, but it has happened anyway… they think we’re ‘cat people’.

Now all you ‘cat people’ don’t get mad, my loving spouse is a ‘cat person’, well actually he is a ‘all animal’ person.  I on the other hand am a ‘dog person’ and this is nothing more than guilt by association.

Okay, the kittens are cute, really cute, but they are not cats (yet).  So we’ve posted a few cute cat photos, so we’re feeding more cats than I ever imagined (which is any number over one), so they keep turning up here, so we laugh at them daily, so…

that doesn’t make us ‘cat people’ that just makes us ‘non-mouse’ people with a sense of humor.



{ 1 comment… add one }
  • Chris Pate August 7, 2012, 9:37 am

    As a “dog person” that inheirited a cat I feel your pain! 🙂

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