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New Old Blooms

2014-05-16 16.31.05The peonies are blooming.  One of the prettiest flowers, large and vibrant and best of all hardy!  They have been here for a very, very long time.  We are grateful for the beautiful ones we have, and would like to have more about the garden.  Luckily for us, due to the Ellensburg Farm Exchange on Facebook, I’ve not only learned how to propagate the seeds, but will be swapping some of our pink seeds for a fellow gardeners red ones.  It takes a few years for them to come into bloom, but a mass of peonies is what I’m going for, so I can wait.

It has been so rewarding to see some of the flowers I’ve planted, come back this spring.  It feels as if, the colorful flower garden of my desire (currently existing only in my mind) is finally on its way to being a reality.

The host of purple Iris’s that were dug up, separated and transplanted by my visiting friend 18 months ago are starting to bloom.  Last spring we had just one bloom, and this year about 75% of them are blooming.  I love their rich deep color and am grateful that they were saved.  I think of my friend every time I see them.2014-05-22 15.38.49Our raspberry patch is looking healthy and we should have a great crop this year, if we can keep the chickens away from them!  The raspberries were planted with starts from a friend who was thinning their berry patch over a year ago.  This weekend I added a few boysenberry vines, a gift from another friend…

Easily a simple reminder to myself, my garden and my life are so much richer with friends.

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  • Miriam May 28, 2014, 12:49 pm

    So jealous! I LOVE peonies and the only ones I see are those sold at Trader’s around this time of year. Your garden is on it’s way!

  • David May 28, 2014, 9:15 am

    Do you have Brian’s e-mail address (remembering that he’s now called “Dave” by all, including his parents who struggle to remember)? If not it will not surprise you, knowing him, that it’s aintnodoobieinmyfunk@gmail.com. The reason that I inquire is that he has in his berry patch plants that were propagated from Marcia’s Uncle John lo these many decades ago. Other friends also have “Uncle John berries” in their gardens and they are a wonderful strain of boysenberries. He would certainly send you some plantable examples.

    • Ellen May 28, 2014, 11:22 am

      That would be so neat to have the berries here. I will enail him and for sure call him Bryan. Haha

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