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Broody or Brooding

This morning My Loving Spouse opened the shade, looked out the window at fog, fog and more fog and sighed…

“English weather…dark, dank and dismal!”

Everything is gray.  There is only one thing not gray and that is the mud…mud, muck and mire and like the fog, there is plenty of it.

My Loving Spouse is brooding a bit about gray weather…it has gotten to him.  He hates this gray weather, but there was one bit of news, that I had that lifted his spirit.

“I think Crow is broody!” 

Crow (our odd-looking black chick) turned into a beautiful black hen.  She is the only hen who has ever acted completely hen-like and hopeful, that spring is coming…so it is time to ‘brood’ (sit on eggs…hatch chicks).  broodypcShe is sitting on a nest of eggs.  Actually, hens are not very smart, so My Loving Spouse actually moved her to a nest box that the chickens do not use, gave her some clean bedding and put all the eggs laid today under her.  When I checked on her, I put another laid egg under her as well.

“Will she notice that there are more eggs?” I asked.

“Chickens cannot count.”


So we have at least once hen with some mothering instinct and may have little chicks in 21 days…

As far as brooding about the weather…

remember the rainbow we also had this weekend…

captured while I was cow ‘watching’…I love seeing calves born…yes,

spring is coming…cowrainbowpc

{ 6 comments… add one }
  • Sandy Ravana February 10, 2015, 11:29 am

    Such a great picture…perfect really!

  • Diane February 10, 2015, 5:54 am

    What a lovely sign of hope for better days to come!

  • miriam February 9, 2015, 8:28 pm

    THat is an awesome rainbow…. especially with the cows underneath it!

    • Ellen Walton February 9, 2015, 8:31 pm

      I know..how cool it was to catch it. Glad you like it!

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