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20 Gallons of Vinegar

When at the store buying 20 gallons of vinegar, more than one person asked,

“What are you pickling?”

‘A driveway’ we said…and we were, sort of.

We’d been hired to re-gravel a double driveway packed with weeds.  The owners keep bees so they did not want to spray any Round up type weed killers.  Doing nothing to the weeds would be a waste of time and money.  The owner instructed us to use vinegar and Epsom salts…and so we did.picmonkey_image (3)

Mix 20 gallons of vinegar,

3 boxes of Epsom salt,

one complete bottle of Dawn Blue dish washing detergent…

and in the end I smelled like a bad salad, some of the weeds were killed off, but a lot of them were just highly irritated.picmonkey_image (1)The owner assured us that the weeds would continue to die and that we should order the 4 Dump Truck loads of gravel it would take to cover the driveway.  Blue and I spent the day spreading gravel and in case you are wondering, NO, I did not catch anything on fire or get stuck in any bogs…just a lot of spreading, attention to detail and around and around and around…I loved it.gravel 3

gravel 2…and then came the tricky part…getting home.  The job was far away and it hadn’t made sense for My Loving Spouse to stay all day or come back to load Blue up, so it was up to me.  Loading and chaining down the big heavy tractor and drive it home.gravel job2Driving with Blue is a very heavy load, so the truck acts differently and the trailer bangs and rattles and it all comes under the heading of ‘not fun’.  There was NO way to get from where I was to home with out going on to the Highway.  I was so scared I almost cried and exited the Highway just as soon as I could…and as a reward for not dying or killing anyone, I stopped at the first location that had the two things I needed…a big open parking lot so I could pull in and pull out…and ice cream.gravel ice cream
{ 4 comments… add one }
  • Diane May 29, 2015, 5:46 pm

    That driveway looks awesome! (as does the ice cream) Your skill set is going way up! You are THE woman!!

  • Christa Peitzman May 29, 2015, 8:12 am

    You go girl!!! Ice cream is always a good reward for being brave!

    • Ellen Walton May 29, 2015, 4:00 pm

      Thank you Christa! I did earn that ice cream…it was soooo good!

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